
One of the first areas of our face to suffer from the ageing process is our cheeks. We lose that plumpness, which leaves us feeling and looking older than we should. The perfect treatment to re-introduce this volume and sculpt your cheekbones is hyaluronic acid cheek fillers.

Why do we lose facial volume as we age?

As you age you lose a considerable amount of facial subcutaneous fat which can result in a loss of volume and elasticity. This in turn highlights hollow cheekbones which can cause someone to appear gaunt and tired-looking.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a hyaluronic acid based natural substance. A substance that is found within every person’s body. As we inevitably begin the ageing process the amount of hyaluronic acid found in the skin begins to diminish – causing skin to look tired and lose its youthful glow. Dermal filler injections reintroduce the hyaluronic acid back in to your body. Dermal filler injections can be used in a variety of areas to add volume to the skin. A popular area being the cheeks.

Sometimes the cheeks can look sunken and the face profile doesn’t meet your desired taste. Fillers help you to regain a youthful curve to the cheeks and a strong facial contour. It restores the lost volume and encourages a gentle lifting effect by injecting filler into the desired areas.

Which celebrities have had dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a very popular non-surgical procedure in the showbiz world. The quick fixes are perfect for busy schedules. It provides an uplifting effect whilst being a less invasive treatment than traditional plastic surgery.

celebrity fillers

What to expect from your treatment?

First things first, you will discuss with one of our expert practitioners the desired lCheek Filler Diagramook you want to achieve from cheek augmentation using dermal fillers.

The dermal filler injections will be injected across both sides of the face while focusing on target areas.

The treatment will last about 30-45 minutes. You may experience slight swelling and redness afterwards but this will go down within a couple of days.

Are cheek fillers painful?

As with all treatments it is expected that you will experience some slight discomfort throughout the procedure. A numbing cream will be applied to help reduce any pain. This will also help with pain after the treatment.

Which products do you use for cheek fillers?

We use Juverderm products for our cheek filler treatments. This is a highly recognised brand producing fantastic results.

Are cheek fillers permanent?

Dermal fillers are not permanent lasting approximately 12 months. The areas treated can then be “topped up” after this with further treatments.

How much does it cost?

You would normally pay approximately £400 per syringe of filler for cheek augmentation in a high street clinic but with Cosmetic Courses this is offered at almost 1/3 of the price from £125 per syringe.

Why become a model for cheek filler treatment?

If you think that you may benefit from cheek fillers and are considering becoming a cosmetic model, there are a number of reasons why Cosmetic Courses may be the right choice for you:

  • We are an award-winning training provider established for over 15 years
  • Our dedicated team of specialists are in the top 300 injectors in the UK at present
  • Our prices are highly discounted offering fantastic savings without compromising on quality
  • Flexible appointments available throughout the week and across the country
  • Advise and support after treatment if you have any concerns

Register your interest

Register your interest as a cosmetic model today by filling in our enquiry form or calling our friendly team who will be more than happy to discuss the treatment with you.