
Azzalure Question:

Dear Cosmetic Courses,

I really enjoyed Mr Adrian Richards’ presentation and the Foundation Course on Saturday . They were very good and I hope to shortly join you on the 4 hours 1-1 practical session.

I would like to ask you a question about Azzalure:

In addition to the glabellar area can Azzalure be used safely in other areas like the crow’s feet and the forehead ? If yes, how much is the recommended dose to use?

Azzalure Answer:

Thank you for your email- we are glad you enjoyed the course.

The answer to your question is yes you can use Azzalure for these areas- Mr Richards tends to use 3 units of Azzalure for each unit he would have used of Botox or Vistabel.

He finds that this a very similar effect and works well.

If you haven’t already, have a look at where you should find more training material on this topic. There has recently been a Blog dealing specifically with this subject which you might also like to read.

With best wishes

The Cosmetic Courses Team.