
Do you ever wonder why Brad and Angie always look beautifully put together and ready for the red carpet? Some say it’s genetic, that their beauty is the reason they are famous in the first place, and that their money will allow them to go “under the knife” to preserve their youth.

But only a few know the secret of Hollywood. And now they are letting us in on it.

The Dermaroller

Although the Dermaroller resembles an instrument of torture, people with youthful skin swear by it because it produces healthy, supple, bright skin. It also eliminates the need for many different cosmetic and plastic surgeries. The Dermaroller is a small roller covered in tiny needles, designed to prick the skin and stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen.

Does it Work?

Dr. Sach Mohan of Transform clinics says, “It’s the latest thing on the block, and it is phenomenal…it harnesses the skin’s ability to repair and regenerate itself.”

Although this “torture method” causes people to grimace, it is wildly popular. Therapists apply topical anasthetic over the area prior to use, completely bypassing the risk of going under general anasthetics. This minimizes any pain and discomfort associated with the Dermaroller.

Does it Bleed?

It does cause minimal bleeding, but the therapists immediately apply a second cream to treat the bleeding. The patient generally looks pink and sunburned immediately after the surgery. A day after the procedure, the patient’s skin looks smooth and healthy. Healthcare professionals recommend having six consecutive monthly treatments for lasting effects.

A Growing Trend

The Dermaroller is a rapidly increasing trend. This is a breakthrough technology that prevents patients from having to undergo risky systemic anasthetics, invasive treatments, and long recoveries. Facelifts are becoming a thing of the past.

And facelifts have never completely taken care of rough, scarred, and stretch marked areas. Or skin that’s not on your face. “As people grow older the skin in the back of the hands becomes crepey,” says Mohan. “We’re now using volumising injections. They involve a single injection in the back of the hands.”

What’s Next?

The Dermaroller is the hottest breakthrough in cosmetic treatments. However, cosmetic advancements are already underway: topical botox without a needle. “topical application of botox which can penetrate the skin into the muscle,” explains Mohan. “In the future it’s going to be all about minimal discomfort and minimal bruising. That’s the holy grail.”

Cosmetic treatment technologies continue to evolve, making beauty easier and cheaper for women to attain. This is good news for women seeking to appear younger, particularly because research has shown a correlation between attractiveness and career success. And since today’s non invasive treatments are less costly and require less recovery time than surgical procedures, more and more women are climbing on the cosmetic treatment bandwagon. But these newer treatments are temporary compared to traditional cosmetic surgery, requiring recurring visits to cosmetic treatment providers, and costs and time invested can add up. Also, experts worry that the growing fad may have societal repercussions in which younger and younger women are turning to cosmetic treatments in order to feel acceptable. And finally, little studies have been conducted to determine the long-term effects of non invasive treatments.

It’s true that cosmetic treatments are getting easier. Where cow-sourced collagen formerly required skin testing, human collagen and Botox now require no skin test. The treatments are quick and easy, with virtually no recovery time. When compared with traditional cosmetic surgery, fillers and injections are much more affordable, costing hundreds of dollars instead of thousands of dollars. But since these treatments are not permanent, women must routinely have the treatments repeated. And experts say that the non invasive treatments are simply postponing the traditional plastic surgeries, such as eyebrow lifts and face lifts. In the end, women may pay more than if they had opted for the traditional surgery in the first place. Also, traditional surgery has a longer history, so side-effects and long-term effects are well known by doctors.

But many argue against the growing fad altogether. Younger women are undergoing non invasive cosmetic treatments than ever before. Books such as “Bodylove: Learning to Like Our Looks and Ourselves, A Practical Guide for Women” by Rita Freedman and “Midlife Crisis at 30: How the Stakes Have Changed for a New Generation – And What to Do About It” by Lia Macko and Kerry Rubin address the negative repercussions that this fad has on society. Women see celebrities and even their peers undergoing treatments, and they feel like they don’t measure up. Indeed, studies have shown a correlation between career success and attractiveness, so it may be that the trend is already irreversible. Cosmetic enhancements may be no different than any other technology taking over the globe. Once we go there, it’s hard to turn back.