
Choosing a broad-spectrum sunscreen – one that protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays – is extremely important, but even when you take this precaution you may still find that both aging and the sun have negatively affected your skin.

After a sunburn, signs of skin damage do not take long to appear. Within only a few weeks, freckles, broken blood vessels, dark spots, and small lines can appear on your skin. There are many options for repairing damaged skin due to being overexposed to the sun, but there is a point of no return once skin damage gets to a certain point.

Pain and skin peeling caused by a sunburn can be cured by many over-the-counter topical applications. Many of these applications will include aloe, zinc, and mineral oil. Some will contain octocrylene, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide; these will provide a wide range of coverage. All of these topical applications work by providing the skin with moisture, helping to keep the area cool and speed up the healing process.

For more extensive skin care treatment you should consult a dermatologist. Dermatologists are able to rejuvinate and heal skin by providing the patient with treatments such as facials, clinical peels, microdermabrasions, and dermal filler abrasions.

Having just five sunburns over a period of time can increase your chances of skin cancer, which is why early detection and prevention is very important, and why using sunscreen is key to your skin’s health.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that you should pay an annual visit to your dermatologist for a skin cancer screening and that you should perform skin examinations on yourself regularly.

The American Academy of Dermatology  gives these tips to keep your skin healthy:

-Apply a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to your skin every two hours.

-Wear protective clothing such as a hat and sunglasses when possible.

-Try to stay in the shade as much as you can between the hours of 10 A.M and 4 P.M when the sun’s rays are strongest.

-Take extra caution when around sand and water, because these things intensify and reflect the sun’s rays.

-Avoid tanning beds at all costs. If you want your skin to look tanned, consider a sunless self-tanning lotion.

Remember to regularly check your skin for any changes on your skin. If caught early enough, skin cancer can be easliy treated.

Many people wonder if microdermabrasion chemical peels exist because the procedure of microdermabrasion and that of the chemical peel are associated as they have many similarities between them. The following article will explain both procedures and how they are alike and different.

Microdermabrasions and chemical peels work on skin in similar ways as the aim of both is to scrape off the outer later of skin so as to rid the skin of dead cells, debris, and even minor scaring. Apart from this general similarity, there are significant differences between the two procedures, the most important of which is the method of peeling that is used.

Microdermabrasion is a mechanical method of peeling in which microcrystals are used to exfoliate the skin. Chemical peels, on the other hand, use acid solutions to chemically remove the outer layer of skin. Because the microdermabrasion is relatively gentle of a procedure compared to a chemical peel, it is often used to treat smaller imperfections such as clogged and/or enlarged poors, fine lines and wrinkles, sunspots, and mild scarring. The entire procedure usually lasts only a couple of sessions.

Chemical peels are a more intensive procedure, so they can be used to treat more serious skin problems such as age spots, deep scars, hyperpigmentation, and deeper wrinkles. The strength of the acid solution used can be varied, so depending on the severity of the skin problem at hand, the appropriate treatment must be determined and administered.

The materials for both the microdermabrasion and the chemical peel are available on the market, but it is recommended that these procedures are not attempted at home without the experience of a professional. Because it is a simpler, less invasive or traumatic procedure, microdermabrasion recovery lasts only hours to a few days. Chemical peels, because of the intensity of the procedure, can require a recovery time of one week up to almost three months. These skin treatments can be used to take care of damages to the face, neck, chest, back, and hands. The treatment itself normally takes about half an hour for the face and one hour for the chest and neck.