MD Codes Live Tour London 2024

The start of June welcomes the MD Codes Tour to London. While many injectors have seen these live injecting conferences before, I had not seen Mauricio de Maio inject Live on stage so was extremely excited to attend. Here is a recap from our trainer Dr Matt Perks over the two days.

The MD codes were created by Dr de Maio to highlight areas of concern that are usually linked with emotions such as ‘looking tired’ ‘looking saggy’ ‘I want to look more attractive’. The MD codes are a way of injecting Hyaluronic Acid filler to lower the guesswork for the injector and ensure we can give our patients predictable natural results.

Dr De Maio had several models over the two days to show how injecting methodically can give the desired outcome to faces of different sizes, shapes and ethnicities. It was amazing to see how bolus cheek filler was able to slim all faces when viewed from the front, even the genetically rounder face shapes that sometimes injectors feel that adding more filler will just make them look rounder.

There was a real emphasis on combining HarmonyCa with the Juvederm range to enhance our patients’ results immediately and in the long term. We reviewed HarmonyCa results on patients who had had a treatment 6-12 months beforehand and how the skin in the treated areas had improved structure and the filler work now looks better too. The way he explained how to use the different products in the layers of the face made me much more confident to use them and explain their benefits to my patients.

Some injectors say that these live injecting days are like real life because the patients are having 20mls in one session! I feel that Mauricio addressed these concerns by splitting treatment plans into what could injected per session and showing the results after every 3-4ml session. It gave me real confidence that I would potentially give my patients results similar to this, rather just being in awe of an injector that I thought was leagues above me and left with the feeling that maybe I could be like this in a few years.

I loved the MD Codes Live Tour conference. The atmosphere was electric. All of the professionals I spoke to over the two days were humble, enthusiastic and happy to speak about their experiences in the aesthetic industry. I would imagine that many others like me found it very educational and can’t wait to try some of the techniques that Mauricio showed us.

Find out more information about the MD Codes Live Tour London 2024, Mauricio de Maio and our HArmonyCa Training Course below.

A big thank you to Allergan Aesthetics for the invites.