
Christmas Botox is First on the Wishlist for 2011

According to the ABC, Botox is one of the cosmetic procedures right at the top of many women’s wishlists this Christmas. It certainly makes a change from underwear that doesn’t quite fit and endless cookery books. So whats the craze with Christmas Botox?

For those of us in the medical aesthetics industry, this is good news. It means that at that time of year when women draw up their fantasy list of “must have” items, your trade commodity is right up there with coveted perfumes and indulgent chocolates.

Why Do So Many Women Want Botox?

But what is the psychology behind the Botox boom?

One recurring theory is that the gloomy economic climate is causing a growing taste for wrinkle-reducing treatments. It may sound odd at first that, as the purse strings tighten, splashing out on beauty procedures becomes a must. But the logic is actually sound: more financial stress causes more wrinkles and signs of aging and a stronger need to do something about this. Perhaps also, with all the gloom and doom in the rest of the world, ladies are feeling they owe it to themselves to at least take care of the one thing they have complete control over: their appearance.

Whilst other areas of cosmetic surgery have had to up the marketing to drive in customers throughout the recession, the non-surgical industry is booming. This looks set to continue in 2012.

So, whether you are an excited lady waiting by the Christmas Tree tomorrow to see if your wrinkle-reducing treatment voucher is waiting in that shiny envelope; or a highly skilled medical professional thinking about diverting your career into medical aesthetics with a Botox training course next year: have a fantastic Christmas and an even better 2012!