
Much of the focus in plastic surgery lately has been moving north…to the lips! A simple lip augmentation can give you a dramatic and sensuous look with the fullness of celebrities like Angelina Jolie. This procedure can give you more self-confidence and balance your appearance. Since aging can cause you to lose collagen and volume in your lips, lip augmentation can even make you look younger!

But with something as noticeable as your lips, you should take care to make sure the procedure is done right. It is difficult to cover up a mistake right on the front of your face! If you are considering a lip augmentation procedure, take the time to research the best products on the market.

Restylane is one of the more common products on the lip augmentation market, and its results are quite promising. Unlike other injectable fillers like fat and collagen, this substance is a biodegradable gel that contains no animal products. It is based on hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body with the purpose of providing fullness and elasticity.

Lip injections with Restylane are fast, easy, and relatively pain-free. You do not even need a skin test, since the product is not animal-based and the risk of an allergic reaction is low. Because Restylane does not contain lidocaine like collagen, you may experience pain upon injection. Using a small needle, the gel is placed in the inside of the lips in little amounts. The volume it adds, though, is impressive. The entire procedure can take from just a few minutes up to half an hour, and you can go home shortly thereafter. The full recovery time is only about two to three days, and there are relatively few side effects besides some tenderness and swelling at the site of the injection.

Since Restylane is one of the latest developments in lip augmentation procedures, costs will vary by physician and location. But Restylane is sure to be a great value for your money, since it can stay effective for six months (much longer than other treatments). Using Restylane can enhance and regenerate your lips to add volume and shape. The product has also been approved by the FDA for the improvement of facial wrinkles, aging lines, and crow’s feet.

Full lips are unquestionably considered to be attractive and youthful, and one of the leading symbols of sensuality today. Since so many of the world’s top movie stars and models have the full-lipped look more people are starting to seek out ways to get the same plumped up lips. Today there are several different options for cosmetic lip enhancement, both temporary and permanent.

Injectable Fillers For Lip Enhancement

Injectable fillers are the most common method of lip enhancement today. These fillers are made of either bovine collagen or hyaluronic acid. Bovine collagen fillers such as Zyderm and Cosmoderm are injected via a very thin gauge needle into the borders of the lips or the body of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers are capable of filling out the lips immediately and of adding volume to any area of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers generally last for between three and six months. While bovine collagen fillers are extremely effective at adding volume and creating any change in the lips desired, they do have one potential drawback. Patients who have an allergy or sensitivity to bovine collagen cannot use this particular type of injectable filler. Most physicians require that lip enhancement patients undergo a pre-treatment bovine collagen allergy test to make certain that there will not be any problems with the treatment. In cases where the patient demonstrates an allergy to bovine collagen hyaluronic acid fillers are the preferred option.

Hyaluronic acid injectable fillers are used in a very similar way to bovine collagen fillers as they are injected through a long thin needle into any area of the lip that needs added volume or enhancement. Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are derived from non-animal sources and very closely mimic the hyaluronic acid that is found naturally in the human body. Fillers that are composed of hyaluronic acid do not require any pre-treatment allergy testing since the product is virtually identical to the collagen builders already in the body. One of the advantages of hyaluronic acid fillers is that they have more longevity than their collagen counterparts: Most hyaluronic acid fillers last from six to twelve months.

Permanent Lip Enhancement Methods

Some patients who are seeking a permanent lip enhancement may choose to use implantable synthetic materials such as Gore-Tex and SoftForm. These materials are soft, pliable, and can be surgically inserted into the lips to provide a permanent increase in volume. These options are more expensive than the injectable fillers but their permanent nature makes them a better long term value for some patients. Some patients may experience side effects from lip implants such as allergic reactions to the implanted material. In some cases migration may occur, meaning the implants will travel outside the area where they were inserted. In such cases surgical removal and repositioning is required.

A beautiful smile makes an indelible impression in the social world. Women of all eras have sought to acquire the full-lipped pout of actresses and models. Because of this, modern cosmetic surgeons never lack for business. Lip augmentation gives women the full lips they desire and it boosts their confidence in ways never thought possible. The technical aspects of lip augmentation are left to scientists and cosmetic surgeons, but they are fascinating even to the untrained population.

Three types of lip enhancing procedures are the most popular choices of dentists. Injectable fillers produce a temporary effect that lasts 6 weeks to 18 months, depending on the person who receives the treatment and the variety of product injected. Collagen, hylaform, perlane, and rofilan are typical products of lip augmentation with variable durations of effectiveness.

A more permanent solution is accomplished with fillers such as dermalive, alloderm, soft form, and aquamide. Depending on the area that needs to be injected, the treatment can last longer than its typical 3 to 10 minute duration. After the injections, a patient can expect swelling and, in some cases, discoloration. The discoloration goes away after a few days and the permanent effect of the fillers sets in, giving the patient beautiful, sensuous lips that will be with her always. A normal routine is resumed shortly after this procedure, leaving patients free to return to work or household duties.

In the majority of cases, Bio Alcamide is the choice of filler for this type of procedure. Its strengths are that allergic reactions are almost non-existent in its history. Discomfort is minimal. It consists of hydrogel. Its usefulness extends beyond lip augmentation and has been used to fill scars, wrinkles, and cavities in the skin.

A third procedure is conducted through plastic surgery. This, too, is a permanent procedure. There is no possible way to reverse it, so serious consideration should be given before undergoing this procedure. Gum lift and lip enhancement techniques are described in-depth on several sites, and it is wise to research the topics before scheduling a consultation. It is the most complex of the three procedures.

A cosmetic surgeon can examine your lips and discuss your medical history to determine what procedure and filler will work best for you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem due to small lips and desire the full, beautiful lips of actresses and models, it’s as easy as scheduling an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon or aesthetic dentist. Within weeks you can have your desires fulfilled and be happier and more fulfilled.

The possibilities with Aesthetic Dentistry are endless. See Laser whitening London for more ideas about dentists in the medical aesthetics industry.