
The cosmetic enhancement industry has seen rapid growth over the past ten years. The sheer number of images that we are exposed to of people receiving treatment to fight the effects of aging is staggering. You see them in movies, television, and magazines. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons predicts that the number of cosmetic procedures undergone each year will have grown by an amazing four hundred percent between 2005 and 2015. A large part of the reason for this is that injections have been replacing more invasive surgical procedures such as face lifts. Injections are both less expensive and offer almost no downtime in comparison to surgical procedures, making them a very attractive option.

Recently, a panel discussion on the future of cosmetic enhancements was held in Toronto, where many of the city’s most respected plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, and dermatologists met to discuss some of the latest changes and the future of the industry. Dr. Sheetal Sapra, director of dermatology at the Institute of Cosmetic and Laser surgery says that back in 1990, nearly all of the cosmetic work that was conducted in Canada was performed by plastic surgeons. This has changed quite drastically. Now only about twenty percent of the work that they do is surgical in nature.

The reason for this change is something called combination therapy. Combination therapy is the use of several different facial injections in combination with one another to receive the desired cosmetic effects. Some of the treatments that may be undergone include Botox, which is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face, causing them to relax and allowing wrinkles and creases in the face to smooth out. Other treatments such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane contain within them synthetic fillers that help to rejuvinate a sculpt the skin. These fillers include hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are natural proteins produced by the body that help keep tissue healthy. They may also include artificial chemicals that help give form to the face. Other treatments include laser treatments which can be used in order to remove brown spots or rosacea from the face. Fractional tightening is another option which can be used in order to smooth wrinkles and creases, improve the texture of the skin, and fight acne scars.

Dr. Stephen Mulholland, one of Canada’s most respected plastic surgeons, claims that about sixty minutes of work and three thousand dollars is enough to take five years off of somebody’s face today.

Research regarding the anti wrinkle treatment Botox suggests that smiling may actually make you happier. Not being capable of smiling when you feel happy feeds information back to the brain that actually reduces the intensity of a person’s happiness. Botulinum is a highly toxic protein that is found in Botox injections, and it is used to temporarily paralyze the muscles of a person’s face, allowing wrinkles to smooth out. The means that there will be no smile or frown lines, but it also means that a person who receives the injections will not be able to move their face to express their emotions.

Recent research has found that this inability to move the muscles of the face may actually reduce our ability to feel the emotions as well. People with a limited amount of control over their facial muscles were found to also have a limited ability to feel the emotions they would otherwise be conveying. In people with normal control of their facial muscles, the brain receives feedback from the face causing them to feel the emotion more intensely. When these muscles are paralyzed, the person will still feel the initial emotions prior to the facial expression, but this lack of feedback from the face causes the emotion feel more dull.

Joshua Davis and Ann Senghas led a team of researchers at Barnard College in New York, performing research on how Botox effects people’s ability to feel emotions. The control group was given Restylane, an injection in the lips or wrinkles in the face that either puffs up the lips or smooths out the wrinkles. They were given Restylane because it has a similar cosmetic effect to Botox but does not limit their ability to move the muscles in their faces.

In comparison with the people who received the Restylane injections, the people with Botox injections were less able to feel their emotions across the board. When shown video clips that cause most people to feel happy, the people who had received Botox injections reported a lower score than the control group. It was also a lower score than before they had received the Botox injections.

The theory that feedback from the face influences the way that we feel dates back more than a hundred years. These experiments provide more evidence suggesting that our facial expression does more than just convey what we are feeling. Smiling actually causes you to feel happier.

Much of the focus in plastic surgery lately has been moving north…to the lips! A simple lip augmentation can give you a dramatic and sensuous look with the fullness of celebrities like Angelina Jolie. This procedure can give you more self-confidence and balance your appearance. Since aging can cause you to lose collagen and volume in your lips, lip augmentation can even make you look younger!

But with something as noticeable as your lips, you should take care to make sure the procedure is done right. It is difficult to cover up a mistake right on the front of your face! If you are considering a lip augmentation procedure, take the time to research the best products on the market.

Restylane is one of the more common products on the lip augmentation market, and its results are quite promising. Unlike other injectable fillers like fat and collagen, this substance is a biodegradable gel that contains no animal products. It is based on hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body with the purpose of providing fullness and elasticity.

Lip injections with Restylane are fast, easy, and relatively pain-free. You do not even need a skin test, since the product is not animal-based and the risk of an allergic reaction is low. Because Restylane does not contain lidocaine like collagen, you may experience pain upon injection. Using a small needle, the gel is placed in the inside of the lips in little amounts. The volume it adds, though, is impressive. The entire procedure can take from just a few minutes up to half an hour, and you can go home shortly thereafter. The full recovery time is only about two to three days, and there are relatively few side effects besides some tenderness and swelling at the site of the injection.

Since Restylane is one of the latest developments in lip augmentation procedures, costs will vary by physician and location. But Restylane is sure to be a great value for your money, since it can stay effective for six months (much longer than other treatments). Using Restylane can enhance and regenerate your lips to add volume and shape. The product has also been approved by the FDA for the improvement of facial wrinkles, aging lines, and crow’s feet.

Full lips are unquestionably considered to be attractive and youthful, and one of the leading symbols of sensuality today. Since so many of the world’s top movie stars and models have the full-lipped look more people are starting to seek out ways to get the same plumped up lips. Today there are several different options for cosmetic lip enhancement, both temporary and permanent.

Injectable Fillers For Lip Enhancement

Injectable fillers are the most common method of lip enhancement today. These fillers are made of either bovine collagen or hyaluronic acid. Bovine collagen fillers such as Zyderm and Cosmoderm are injected via a very thin gauge needle into the borders of the lips or the body of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers are capable of filling out the lips immediately and of adding volume to any area of the lips. Bovine collagen fillers generally last for between three and six months. While bovine collagen fillers are extremely effective at adding volume and creating any change in the lips desired, they do have one potential drawback. Patients who have an allergy or sensitivity to bovine collagen cannot use this particular type of injectable filler. Most physicians require that lip enhancement patients undergo a pre-treatment bovine collagen allergy test to make certain that there will not be any problems with the treatment. In cases where the patient demonstrates an allergy to bovine collagen hyaluronic acid fillers are the preferred option.

Hyaluronic acid injectable fillers are used in a very similar way to bovine collagen fillers as they are injected through a long thin needle into any area of the lip that needs added volume or enhancement. Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are derived from non-animal sources and very closely mimic the hyaluronic acid that is found naturally in the human body. Fillers that are composed of hyaluronic acid do not require any pre-treatment allergy testing since the product is virtually identical to the collagen builders already in the body. One of the advantages of hyaluronic acid fillers is that they have more longevity than their collagen counterparts: Most hyaluronic acid fillers last from six to twelve months.

Permanent Lip Enhancement Methods

Some patients who are seeking a permanent lip enhancement may choose to use implantable synthetic materials such as Gore-Tex and SoftForm. These materials are soft, pliable, and can be surgically inserted into the lips to provide a permanent increase in volume. These options are more expensive than the injectable fillers but their permanent nature makes them a better long term value for some patients. Some patients may experience side effects from lip implants such as allergic reactions to the implanted material. In some cases migration may occur, meaning the implants will travel outside the area where they were inserted. In such cases surgical removal and repositioning is required.

As a person ages, the skin of the cheeks and lower portion of the face loses it’s elasticity. Wrinkles begin to form, and the lips lose their volume. Lips and skin can regain that volume by injecting dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are components that are injected directly into the skin to address these ageing issues. There are several types of dermal fillers. Some are comprised of human or animal tissue, while others are made of a synthetic material. Dermal fillers can either be temporary, permanent, or semi-permanent.

Depending on the situation, one dermal filler might be better than another. Temporary hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular variety of dermal fillers. This type has been proven to be safe and efficient. The skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid, but in a matter of days it’s broken down by the body and is replaced. Temporary hyaluronic acid fillers are made so these particular molecules are better balanced in order to slow down the rate that they break down. The results of using a temporary hyaluronic acid filler can last anywhere from a couple of months to up to two years, depending on how the filler is applied. There’s no need to worry about improper placement of the product or lumpiness. A component called hyaluronidase is able to dissolve the temporary hyaluronic acid filler.

In Australia, a few brands of this type of dermal filler are Restylane, Jevederm, and Esthelis. These products come in various sized syringes. While some products merge with surrounding tissue when they’re injected, others will stay exactly where they’re placed. Because of this, certain products will work better on one spot of the face than they will on another spot.

The product Esthelis, for example, is soft and is able to be injected near the surface of the skin to clear up superficial wrinkles. Products that are thicker can cause over-correction or lumpiness. A thicker product like Jevederm Ultra Plus is useful in treating nasolabial lines as well as the marionette area of the face. Cheek augmentations can be achieved through using Juvederm Voluma, which is an even thicker substance than Juvederm Ultra Plus. Products that are thicker have a tendency to last longer than those that aren’t as thick.

As a person ages, it’s normal to change dermal filler products to best suit the needs of the patient. It’s always best to consult a doctor before using any type of filler product.

Perlane is a dermal filler that was created to minimise the appearance of facial folds and wrinkles. In many cases it is capable of complete wrinkle removal since it restores a great deal of lostperlane cosmetic courses facial volume. As the skin ages the natural collagen present begins to diminish. Over time this will sometimes result in sagging skin, facial folds, lines, and wrinkles.

Perlane is made of a stabilized hyaluronic acid gel that has particles thicker than those of other hyaluronic acid based fillers such as Restylane. The denser composition allows it to be more easily moulded to a patient’s face and thus produces the most natural look possible of all the hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers. Because it is not derived from animal sources like many collagen based fillers are, it may be used in patients without allergy testing. Perlane is made entirely of hyaluronic acid while other dermal fillers such as Restylane have a hyaluronic acid base but have animal collagen added to them.

Perlane may be used in a variety of facial areas. The nasolabial folds running from the corner of the nose to the outer edges of the mouth are one of the most common areas that patients have  injected. It may also be used to add some volume to the area underneath the eyes if a patient has sunken eyes. Virtually any area of the face that has wrinkling or skin folds due to loss of volume can be treated effectively with injections. A popular use for this product today is lip enhancement. Perlane can be safely injected into the lips to produce additional volume or create the appearance of an overall larger mouth.

Perlane typically lasts for about six to nine months, though some patients continue to see benefits from treatment for as long as one year. While the price is typically higher than that of some other dermal fillers, this product is longer lasting and presents a more natural appearance than other dermal fillers do.

Treatment with Perlane normally takes no longer than 30 to 45 minutes. The injection process is usually not painful for patients though the administering physician may choose to inject a local anesthetic or to apply a topical anesthetic to minimise any discomfort.

Hyaluronic acid is the human body’s natural way of providing volume and a fresh faced appearance – in fact there are large quantities of hyaluronic acid present in the skin. However, as the body ages the amount of hyaluronic acid steadily decreases, often leaving behind sagging and wrinkled skin due to the loss of volume. Today hyaluronic acid is being produced in the laboratory for use in the fight against aging. Hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are able to plump up the skin in specific areas where volume has been lost. These fillers also have the helpful effect of binding to water molecules in the body, allowing for a long term facial correction.

Since there are now a number of different dermal fillers on the market, selecting the right one can be difficult. Two of the most popularly used hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers are Juvederm and Restylane. Both have specific advantages, and for a patient to make the proper choice it is necessary to carefully compare the two and decide which one is best for their needs.

Overall, Juvederm and Restylane are very similar products. Both are made from hyaluronic acid and are nearly identical in composition. While Juvederm is slightly thicker than Restylane, it is considered by many physicians to be easier to mold and shape into the facial tissue. Both Juvederm and Restylane are injected into the nasolabial folds (the area extending from the edge of the nose to the edge of the lips), the tear troughs underneath the eyes, and the frown lines in the brow area. Both products are also used in the lips as a plumping agent, or for overall lip reshaping.

The primary difference in the products appears to be the texture. Many doctors prefer to use Juvederm in areas such as nasolabial folds or other large areas since it molds into the skin more easily. However, other doctors feel that the two products work equally well even though the texture of Restylane is slightly thinner. In terms of longevity, Juvederm appears to have a slight edge over Restylane. While this effect may vary with each patient, Juvederm is generally considered to be the longer lasting of the two products due to the fact that Juvederm contains about 10 percent more cross-linked hyaluronic acid by volume.

Overall the two products are very similar and in most cases will produce virtually identical results when administered properly by a licensed practitioner. Each patient and doctor may find that they have personal preferences after trying both products, however.

Quick fix dermal filler products include such widely recognized products as Botox, Juvederm, and Restylane. These substances, when properly injected by an experienced clinician, can eliminate obvious signs of aging such as wrinkles, crows’ feet beside the eyes, and forehead creasing.

How Do They Work?

While Botox works beneath the dermal layer to relax those muscles that when contracting, form expressive lines on the face, Juvederm and Restylane work within the skin layer to immediately fill and voluminize the flesh on the face and then provide nutritive revitalization for the longer term. They are especially effective in smoothing areas around the mouth and nose.


Because all three of these dermal fillers require application via injection into facial tissues, they call for the services of a licensed clinician. Only the experienced expert can judge the correct quantity of filler and the proper areas for application. A professional office venue is the safest, most sterile and quality-controlled environment for treatments of this kind.

Industry Concerns

In recent years, especially since sales of Botox, Juvederm and Restylane no longer require a physician’s prescription, more sources are making these dermal fillers available to the general public. People have the option to buy the products directly or online. Incredibly, people are actually giving themselves a do-it-yourself quick facial fix by self-injecting dermal fill substances.

This practice is raising considerable concern among the medical community. Some clinicians point out that medical supplies from unproven sources can easily be counterfeit or substandard products that may cause unwanted side effects. Others focus on the fact that an untrained individual is hardly qualified to judge quantities and injection sites. Amateur applications of Botox, Restylane, or Juvederm can produce some surprising and sometimes alarming results.

Self-injection of dermal fillers can cause redness and infection, excessive swelling, scarring, bleeding, and migration of fillers to undesirable areas of the face. When you inject fillers around your eyes and forehead, you can create droopy eyelids or areas of swelling that a physician may find hard to reverse.


The majority of individuals self-injecting dermal fillers do so to save professional fees. Yet when you consider the potential health problems and side effects that often require a doctor’s intervention later, these do-it-yourselfers rarely save much, and often manage to make themselves look worse rather than better. An initial investment in professional injection of dermal fillers undeniably produces the best results.

Hyaluronic acid is a chemical that combines with collagen and elastin to create cartilage. HA helps cartilage to retain its strength and elasticity, but also assists with supplying the necessary fluid that lubricates joints.

Physicians use hyaluronic acid injections as an effective treatment for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific findings conclude that more than 80% of arthritic patients studied experienced substantial amounts of reduced pain immediately following hyaluronic acid injections. The diminished arthritic symptoms lasted up to a year before patients required further treatments.

Tissues throughout the body contain hyaluronic acid and the chemical accomplishes numerous tasks. HA delivers nutrition as it removes pollutants from areas of the body not equipped with blood circulation , like cartilage. Joints without proper amounts of hyaluronic acid become fragile and weaken. In addition to lubricating joints, HA maintains fluid levels of other tissues and is found in the spaces between the cells in the body. The chemical holds moisture inside the spaces, which moistens elastin and collagen, keeping them healthy.

The medical and cosmetic fields are using hyaluronic acid more frequently. Cosmetics manufactured with HA contend that skin contains more moisture, which provides a smooth and radiant appearance. Research has proven that HA heals injuries rapidly and minimizes scars regardless of how long an individual has had them. Physicians inject Restylane, an hyaluronic acid filler, to diminish fine lines and acne scarring in addition to toning and tightening the skin.

The body naturally absorbs hyaluronic acid as it deteriorates, so repeated treatments are necessary. Results last for 6 to 9 months after which further injections are required.

Besides injections, HA is manufactured in oral form and supplements are available at pharmacies, health food stores and through online distributors. Inidividuals taking an oral supplement experience results after 2 to 4 months. Many have reported decreasing the dosage once the desired amount of results are obtained.

Hyaluronic acid may cause a skin irritation where injected and skin rashes and irritations when taken orally, but no major side effects have been reported. Adverse effects should be reported to the physician. Hyaluronic acid injections should be administered by licensed physicians only.

Women with plump, full lips are considered more beautiful, sexy, and desirable than women with thin, flat lips. Consequently, it’s natural for women who once had “kissable” lips to want to restore their more youthful appearance and for women who never had that sensual look to wistfully long for it. In either case, whether lips have simply aged and lost their full look or because of a genetic predisposition toward thin, tight lips, it is possible to create gorgeous, plump, and sensual lips through cosmetic surgery.

Due to aging, the effects of the sun, and the consequences of smoking, once beautiful lips can begin to lose their healthy appearance and the mouth begins to droop at the corners, creating a false impression of depression or cynicism. Moreover, when Cupid’s Bow, the v-shape of the upper lip, begins to flatten, a woman appears to lose her youthful appearance. Apart from restoring a woman’s natural beauty, rejuvenating lips through cosmetic surgery can also boost self-confidence and self-esteem.

Unfortunately, not all surgery will create an effect that lasts for long, sometimes lasting for only 3 months, although at times they can last for as long as 9 months. Usually, this surgery consist of injecting collagen or a compound called Restylane. Recovery is also painful for a few days, resulting in swelling, redness, and bruising. The only way to keep the desired look is through repeating the procedure when the effects fade away.

However, a new solution has emerged in cosmetic surgery that does offer a permanent solution. The process is called a Permalip implant. It consists of implanting soft but firm silicone in the lips. It has been approved in Europe after extensive testing and has been used and developed in the United States for the past four years. This method is safe because it does not rupture or break surrounding tissue, nor does it harden or degenerate over time. It requires only a single procedure, can be done in an hour, and leaves no visible scars. Moreover, the effect can be reduced, or even fully reversed. The surgery is done under local anaesthesia and consists of making small incisions at the corner of the mouth then inserting the implant.

For women who desire to have full lips, the Permalip implant is the best choice in cosmetic surgery for a permanent solution.