In this short video we see Lead Trainer of Cosmetic Courses and Aesthetic Nurse Mel Recchia answer the FAQ; How does the Juvederm Vycross range differ to the Juvederm Ultra range of dermal fillers?


So Allergan has two ranges of hyaluronic acid filler, their Juvedern Ultra range, which was the first generation of hyaluronic acid fillers and then they have the Vycross range, which is a relatively new range, this is the second generation. They both have their place within your aesthetic practice and the differences really are the actual manufacturing process, so they have slight differences within the high molecular weight, low molecular weight and also the cross linking. So the Vycross range has been designed to be slightly longer lasting then the Juvederm Ultra, it is slightly more expensive so the price point may be an indicator of which product you’re going to chose for your patient, and every one of these products has it’s own place in terms of how you use it. You can interchange them and it really id just that the Juvederm Ultra was the first generation and the Vycross range is the second generation of product. Vycross range lasts slightly longer and it does seem to sort of integrate into the skin tissues slightly more effectively and can create a softer look so depending on the treatment outcomes, depending on what areas you want to use it, that will determine which product that you use.

If you would like more information or if you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to contact the team on 01844 390110.


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