When it comes to Cosmetic Courses an important part of our service is ensuring you are at the forefront of our care. As we continue to grow we feel it’s vital to keep it that way. So with this in mind you may have noticed a few new faces in our clinics to look after you while you’re with us!

Cosmetic Courses is very pleased to welcome both Hayley and Mary to our team. Hayley will be looking after our models and delegates in our Nottingham and Birmingham locations and Mary will be with us in Buckinghamshire running our reception.

Meet Hayley & Mary

What’s your favourite part about the job?

Hayley: “I have two favourite parts! One is helping the delegates with their exciting new career in aesthetics. It’s nice to answer their questions, help to get them started and see them bloom as they embark on their new journey. It’s also great to see them again for more advanced training and hearing how well they are doing in their new career. The second thing is spending time with the models who are coming for treatment and seeing how pleased they are with their results. With it being so affordable it’s lovely to see the models regularly when they come back for more appointments.”

Mary: “It’s hard to pick one favourite! I have to say the thing that I most enjoy is that everyday is different. I love meeting all the models and delegates who come in and especially love it when I see repeat faces come into reception. I’m also really enjoying how much I am learning, it’s a fantastic industry with something new at every turn!”

What’s your go to skin saviour? 

Hayley: “My go to skin Saviour has to be Clinical Moisturising Complex. I use this as my daily routine, this product hydrates, firms and moisturises my skin always leaving my skin feeling fresh and glowing.”

Mary: “Mine has to be a NeoStrata peel! It keeps my skin feeling super soft and hydrated. It also helps my daily skincare routine work even better into my skin.”

What’s your perfect day off?

Hayley: “A perfect day off would be a nice lie in to feel refreshed. Then lunch followed by a bit of shopping with friends. A lovely country walk with my little dog then to finish a nice cosy night in with dinner and a relaxing bath. I love to relax and recharge on a day off.”

Mary: “My perfect day off is a duvet day with loads of snacks and a feel good film!”

Who is your celebrity influence?

Hayley: “My Celebrity influence is Blake Lively, She has great style and sophistication, always looks stunning. She also has a lovely figure which women can relate too. Successful career, family and beauty… for me she is someone I admire.”

Mary: “I don’t really have a celebrity influence … I have a celebrity crush and that’s Cillian murphy lol!”


Thinking of training with us or becoming a model to receive discounted treatments? Speak to a member of our friendly team today who are always happy to help, 01844 390110 / [email protected]


The festive season has well and truly begun. With Christmas party invites hitting our inboxes and the hunt for the perfect party outfit commencing. It’s no wonder we don’t have a lot of time to think about our skin preparation as well! Here at Cosmetic Courses we want to take one less hassle off you this year. Helping your skin to glow this Christmas.

Skin Glowing Party Peels

Did you know that the winter is the best times to kick start a skin care regime? Your skin is on a daily battle with harsh weather conditions. This may be promoting the flare up of skin conditions such as Rosacea and Eczema as well as increased ageing. The lack of vitamin C and the influx of cold winds all contribute to skin problems throughout the winter months.

Now is the time to give your skin some TLC and let it glow this Christmas.

Enter Chemical Peels. This non-invasive treatment is continuously growing in popularity. With celebrity influences and dermatologist’s advice it’s a wonder these have never been at the top of our winter to-do lists before.

What is a Chemical Peel?

The clinical grade skin treatment helps to target problem skin. Including: black heads, oil congestion, dry/flaky skin, dull/dehydrated skin and pigmentation. Alternatively it can be used to encourage anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation. Using a bespoke mixture to suit your skins needs, the substance is applied over the face using a small brush technique. The peel works by penetrating into the epidermis reaching a deeper point than any home remedies could.

The peel wakes up new collagen in the skin. Stimulating skin cell growth and in turn provides the top layer with a healthy glow. By accelerating the skin’s turnover it speeds up and supports our healing process which helps to improve various skin problems. Once the treatment is complete patients usually experience brighter skin with smaller pores and the appearance of blemishes reduced.

What are the benefits of having a Chemical Peel in the winter?

  • UV levels are lower this time of year so the risk of damaging sun exposure is limited
  • Chemical peels are more effective when booked as a course of treatments. The winter proves a great time to start a course of treatment in time for healthy summer skin
  • Skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation & premature ageing are easier to treat through peels during the winter as there is less sun exposure
  • Peels also work well in conjunction with many aesthetic procedures. Patients can still keep up with their injectable maintenance throughout the peel process as long as the skin is given time to settle in between treatments.
  • It’s important to step up our skin care regime in preparation for the harsher months. Skin peels are proven to make your skin care products perform better as there are no dead skin cells impending the penetration of products

Interested in a Chemical Peel? 

As a model at Cosmetic Courses you can receive our Chemical Peel Treatment at a fraction of the price compared to high street clinics. Performed by highly experienced medical practitioners and supervised by our expert team of aesthetic trainers you can feel assured by the treatment you will receive as a cosmetic model with us.

We offer this treatment in our Buckinghamshire and Leeds clinics and have availability approximately once a month. Appointments for this popular treatment fill up quickly so register your interest today.

Speak to a member of the team today to find out more about Chemical Peel availability and becoming a Cosmetic Courses model: 01844 390110 / [email protected]

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Level 7 is the qualification everyone is talking about and has fast become the words on many lips throughout aesthetic training. With continued changes being made to the specification, it is easy to become confused by the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables. At Cosmetic Courses, our Ofqual regulated qualification uses guidelines set by the JCCP & HEE. We made a course that we know our delegates will not only benefit greatly from but also enjoy. In this blog we look at the top 7 things delegates should keep in mind when deciding whether to take the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine…

1. First things first, is this the right decision for you?

It’s important that you make this decision from looking at all of your options. The Level 7 Certificate requires time, dedication and financial preparation. As an equivalent to a post-graduate qualification, with 278 hours of comprehensive learning, it is important to understand what you are signing up for!

2. Is it mandatory?

No, the Level 7 qualification is not mandatory. Beware of scaremongering. There are rumours circulating the aesthetic industry stating those without this qualification will be unable to practice in 2018. This certificate has been put in place as a positive movement towards regulating the aesthetic industry and for now it is not compulsory. The JCCP are planning to launch a register in January which on completion of Level 7 or equivalent training will allow you to apply for the register. This will then be accessible to the public. Although there is movement for such qualifications to become mandatory, it is unlikely to happen in the immediate future – but there is definitely no harm in future proofing!

3. Research your training providers

It’s vital you research each training provider you are considering. The course needs to include all aspects of the Level 7 certificate. You also need to be aware that there are only a small number of Ofqual accredited training providers running this course. Make sure that your chosen provider is also offering ongoing support throughout your Level 7 certificate. Some training providers may ask you to source your own observation days or even find your own patients to treat. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, this is a big step in your career so it’s important it’s the right one!

4. Are all Level 7 Qualifications the same? 

Every training provider offering the Level 7 qualification has to follow a strict curriculum. Although there are variations in delivery, the content is very similar. The learning techniques and structure can differ, but each has to tick the same boxes to be able to provide such a course.

5. Beware of Hidden Costs!

With so many steps in the Level 7 qualification, it is easy to get caught out by hidden fees for compulsory parts of the course. It is important to look for the cost of the full qualification, including all practical days and theory units. This will help you financially prepare for your course and also prevent you from finding any unpleasant surprises!

6. Can I do a Level 7 if I am already an experienced practitioner? 

Yes, there is an alternative shorter route for experienced practitioners who want to complete the Level 7 certificate. This is the RPL route (Recognition of Prior Learning). Through RPL experienced practitioners can demonstrate their proficiency in the form of a portfolio of evidence. This can substitute the practical modules allowing you to focus on the theoretical side of the Level 7 as well as the SAQ’s and OSCE examination day.

7. What’s in it for me?

Acquiring a Level 7 qualification demonstrates a high level of knowledge and experience. It is a nationally recognised qualification and provides extensive knowledge in all areas of aesthetic medicine. Practitioners may find that they have an increase in enquiries from the register and your new qualification could help to boost the marketing of your business. Although the qualification is not mandatory it may be wise to future proof your training. There is never a limit to your training – there is always room to gain more experience and knowledge. This will only increase your confidence and result in a more successful business.

At Cosmetic Courses we understand that embarking upon the Level 7 Qualification is a big decision to make. To help with this we have created a flexible booking schedule with no specific enrolment dates. Our aim is to deliver the qualification to suit you.

Still not sure?

Please call our dedicated Level 7 Coordinators on 01844 390110 or simply email us at [email protected], and we would be happy to answer any queries.

You can also visit our course page for the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine here to find out more. 

We look forward to speaking with you soon.