JCCP_ 10 Point-Plan for Safer Regulations in the Aesthetics Sector

This month the JCCP (Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners) released their 10 point plan for regulation within aesthetics. This plan details the steps we can make as an industry to ensure safety and regulation.

“Our ultimate aim is to create a safer environment for members of the public undergoing non-surgical treatments with mandated qualifications, premises criteria, insurance and many other steps relating to the sector and industry.” -JCCP Statement, March 2021

At Cosmetic Courses we support the JCCP in striving for a safer future within aesthetics, encouraging regulation and producing confident and qualified injectors.

JCCP 10-Point Plan:

1 Statutory Regulation

Seek and advise on statutory regulation for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector.

2 Mandatory Education and Training Standards 

Government and education/training regulators in the UK to mandate specific qualifications, education and training requirements for specific modalities.

3 Clear, Transparent Information

Aesthetic service providers to clearly display simple, informative guides on all services provided including risks, benefits, costs, qualifications and insurance to members of the public.

4 Definition of Medical and Cosmetic Treatments

Work with Government agencies to clearly define in law what constitutes a ‘medical’, a ‘medically-related’ treatment and what is ‘cosmetic’ only.

5 Safe and Ethical Prescribing 

Implement robust standards and regulation for safe, ethical and professional prescribing within non-surgical aesthetics.

6 More Regulated Advertising and Social Media

Tighter controls and penalties on exaggerated, inaccurate and misleading advertising and social media posts in relation to aesthetic treatments, hair restoration and training.

7 National Complications Reporting

Introduce enhanced and co-ordinated processes for the reporting and analysis of adverse incidents at a national level.

8 Adequate Insurance Cover

Legislate all cosmetic non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration surgical practitioners to hold robust and adequate indemnity insurance covering each service provided.

9 Licensing of Premises, Treatments and Practitioners

Set nationally agreed standards for licensing and regulating premises, treatments procedures and individuals.

10 Raising Consumer Awareness

Raise public awareness of the risks and benefits associated with non-surgical treatments and hair restoration surgery.

You can read the full document released by the JCCP by clicking here.


In this blog we discuss the importance of a treatment plan. Skincare and injectables is becoming more and more popular across the globe, from experts decoding celebrities secret “tweakments” to tell all routines on how to achieve that perfect glow.