Social Media Clinic Growth Article

If you are a medical professional who is looking to grow your clinic or personal brand, social media is a great way of achieving this. We will explore the ways in which you can use social media to grow your clinic.

Content is so important when it comes to social media. You should be posting inspirational content that your followers and target audience can engage with. This could be posting images of real-world results, before and after treatment images and videos or blog posts. Think outside the box when it comes to content. You don’t know how it will do if you never post it. If your clinic has a blog, make sure you are posting frequently. In terms of blog content you should post, this can be anything from relevant treatments for your patients to specific industry news to attract people’s attention.

Make your social media posts personal

Your social media posts should be personal. That means you should use your brand voice and try to give a more personal feel by using the name of your company or clinic. You can also incorporate your branding, logo and colour scheme into each post. More importantly, your posts should be directed at an audience and should be authentic. Your audience is more likely to resonate with your content this way.

Make sure your content is eye catching

People scroll through social media quickly so it is important to capture their attention. It is important to have photos that are high quality, clear and easy to see. When posting photos on social media platforms you should be using the ideal size image for that platform. This will help your content with the platform algorithms. You should also be using all of the features of the dedicated social media platforms you are using. For example, Instagram has stories, reels and products that you can utilise for your business.

Taking good photos is an art form in itself so consider hiring someone who has experience with this or take some photography classes yourself! Try using different angles and perspective when taking your photos and videos – this will help make them look more interesting! You can also try adding filters to make your images pop! Use eye catching titles for your posts. This will encourage others to click through and read about what you’re sharing so they know exactly what it’s about. When you do this you do not want to be misleading your audience as this will impact you negatively.

Use a call to action in your content

Add a call to action (CTA) button to your Facebook pageInstagram is good for posting real world results but Facebook is great for converting potential customers into paying customers! CTAs are buttons that direct users to a specific page on your site, usually one where they can purchase products or services. They’re an easy way for you to convert viewers into paying customers! If you have a Facebook page, make sure it includes a CTA button that links back to your website’s homepage. This way, anyone who clicks the button will be directed straight there and ready to start shopping as soon as they arrive at your site.

Target your posts through ads

Use targeted ads or boosted posts – With targeted ads you can target the right demographic, people who may be interested in the treatments you offer and are within a close proximity of the clinic. With Facebook’s ad platform, you can target people based on their age, gender, interests and location. You can also target people who have visited your website or blog. The more specific your targeting is to what you have to offer then more likely it will convert into a visit from someone looking for your services.

Create content regularly

You should be creating new content on a regular basis. Although you may not see results overnight, by posting on a regular basis you will see your following grow. This organic growth is so important as it provides you with a community. To be successful with social media, you need to post regularly and be consistent. If you’re not consistent with your posts, people won’t know when and how often they should expect updates from you.

Social media to grow your clinic

Social media is a great tool for brand awareness. This can be used to reach new customers and promote your clinic, as well as educate people about the treatments you offer. It’s important to use social media in a way that makes sense for your business. For example, if you’re running a clinic, posting pictures of cute dogs or telling jokes might not be the best idea for reaching new patients; instead, sharing articles about industry news, updates and tips (or any other relevant content) would be more appropriate.

We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. Social media has been proven to be one of the best ways to grow your business and we have seen some incredible results in the aesthetic industry from social media. For more information on business and marketing, view our Aesthetic Knowledge Hub for more information and delegates frequently asked questions all around business and marketing in the aesthetic industry. If you have any questions or are looking for more information on how to grow your clinic’s social media presence then please contact us today and our team can help.


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JCCP Dec Update

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners otherwise known as the JCCP, are a ‘not for profit’ organisation that was made to bring ‘self-regulation’ to the non-surgical aesthetic sector within the UK. Due to the significant rise in the number and type of non-surgical aesthetic procedures performed in the UK, the JCCP are the body ensuring quality and safety within the aesthetics industry.

The JCCP have released three new documents providing updated guidance surrounding the following areas:

Premises Standards

Good Practice Guide for Education and Training Courses

Simplified application form for Training and Education providers who wish to be approved by the JCCP.

Updated Premises Standards

The JCCP has worked with multiple stakeholders to update and revise the previous JCCP Premises Standards in preparation for the proposed licencing scheme for non-surgical cosmetics in England. The JCCP has worked alongside key clinicians and members of the JCCP Clinical Advisory Group to produce these guidelines which are also aligned to advice provided by the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health. The new Premises Standards may be viewed at:

Education and Training standards

The JCCP continues to campaign for the implementation of a national register of approved qualifications and of approved education and training providers and believes that the PSA (The Professional Standards Authority) should be given extended powers to oversee registers of approved education and training providers and qualifications in the sector in addition to their current statutory function of overseeing practitioner registers. We are also calling upon Ofqual to be requested to ensure they only approve qualifications that meet the new Government standard for education and training for the aesthetics sector.

The JCCP’s Education and Training Committee is aware that there is considerable variation in the approach that the cosmetic industry education and training providers take to promoting courses and the type of courses they offer students. The JCCP has therefore recently produced a ‘good practice’ guide to support education and training providers in the industry and those members of the aesthetic practitioner who seek to further develop their knowledge and skills and competencies.

The JCCP has developed this guide with the full knowledge that the Department of Health and Social Care is yet to determine whether a national mandated standard for education and training should be introduced in England for those practitioners who provide the more invasive nonsurgical cosmetic procedures.

The report on the impact of body image (July, 2021) on mental and physical health recommends that there is a need for a minimum standard to be met in regard to the education and training of practitioners who perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures. It is essential to ensure patient safety, and thus should be a central pillar of a future licensing regime. This recommendation correlates and affirms recommendations of a similar nature made by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Beauty, Aesthetics and Wellbeing (2021) and also resonates with the principles contained in the Health and Care Act (2022) that relate to the design and implementation of a licensing scheme for the aesthetic sector in England.

This good practice guide in part supports achieving minimum standards in education and training for providers, and furthermore the competence of individuals thereof, and sets out the JCCP’s expectations regarding ethical and accurate advertising of training courses in the sector. The guide also differentiates between pre-qualifying training courses (designed for practitioners to acquire the requisite knowledge and practice competencies to perform non-surgical procedures both safely and effectively) and short courses and CPPD courses.

Application Form for JCCP Approved Education and Training Provider Status.

The final point of the JCCP updated guidance is the JCCP Education and Training Committee have reviewed and revised the JCCP Application Form for Approved Education and Training Providers.

You can find out more information on the following JCCP updated guidance areas and access the links to each document by clicking here.

As a JCCP Approved Education and Training Provider we were featured in the newsletter section around the Fast Track Assessment Centre.

JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centre

In order to ensure that those operating in the industry are more accountable to members of the public with regards their ‘fitness to practice’ the JCCP has agreed that their registered healthcare practitioners should be able to evidence their compliance with the JCCP and CPSA published standards for practice, either by undertaking a JCCP approved qualification or by attending a JCCP approved Fast Track Assessment Centre (FTA).

The JCCP agreed last year that practitioners can apply to register with Learna’s new JCCP Fast Track Assessment (FTA) which has been specifically designed for aesthetic practitioners who are seeking to register with the JCCP. The new fast track assessment centre has been developed by online learning specialists, Learna, in collaboration with the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), and will streamline the qualifications process, enabling more cosmetic practitioners to be eligible to join the JCCP Government PSA approved register. Harley Academy and Cosmetic Courses have also been approved this year to work in association with Learna to offer JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centres. The JCCP Fast Track Assessment Centre offers practitioners an alternative to more costly and time-consuming qualifications and is the only fast track assessment course of its kind on the market that is recognised by the JCCP, resulting in the award of a formally recognised equivalent verification standard that provides unconditional access to Part One of the PSA approved JCCP Practitioner Register. Details of the JCCP/Learna Fast Track Assessment Centre process and application details may be accessed via the following link.


You can find the latest updates in the Government Guidelines Knowledge Hub.