
Former first lady, Michelle Obama, talked to American glossy People magazine about staying fit and healthy and looking good, putting exercise and healthy eating at the core of her message. Although she has not undergone plastic surgery or Botox herself she was very open to it and to the fact that people should be free to choose to do it as they please.

Obama is well-known for her toned and strong physique, which she puts primarily down to her exercise routine. She famously works out with her husband every morning; the evidence of which can be seen in both their figures. With her 50th birthday approaching the First Lady looks incredibly good for her age.

When it comes to diet Obama is less strict than she is with her exercise regime although she does makes sure she eats “plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables”. She’s quite right in her belief that strict or obsessive diets tend to be less healthy (and beneficial for weight) than simply eating moderately and a having a nutritionally balanced diet.

Her exercise routine currently consists of heavy cardio and weight training; something she plans to ease off on slightly in favour of yoga-type exercises. Increasing her levels of flexibility will benefit her as she ages she believes, to make sure she “doesn’t break a hip”. It’s these healthy, responsive and controlled lifestyle decisions which help to keep her so healthy and in such great shape.

And while Obama has not yet undertaken plastic surgery or non-invasive procedures such as Botox or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy at the moment she is not against nor of the mind to tell people that they shouldn’t, she told the magazine.

Many people get acne, usually in their teen years, and many people get scars by bursting the pimples caused by acne. Acne scars are a very irritating thing to live with and until recently were a permanent skin problem. Luckily with the advancements made in medical science this is no longer the case.

The top 4 ways to get rid of acne scars are each a little different from each other because different levels of acne require different methods. So whether your scarring is only slight or is extremely noticeable one of these treatments should definitely work for you.

1. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a very useful, non-invasive skin care procedure. The top layer of skin is removed with an exfoliating device allowing new skin cells to come to the surface. This treatment is good for minor acne scarring and other minor skin problems, or just to keep your skin nice and healthy looking.

2. Collagen Injections

For more noticeable acne scars, collagen injections may be a good idea. The procedure is exactly what it sounds like, collagen is injected into the scars with a syringe and fills the areas, eliminating any signs of damaged tissue.

There is a little pain involved with collagen injections, but it should only last about 10-20 minutes. Getting the injections also takes only a short amount of time so it can be done easily during the day, leaving you with a nice, clear complexion.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are more commonly used for sun damage and other skin problems, but also work with acne. Chemical peels go where Microdermabrasion can’t, peeling off several layers of skin rather than just one. This allows them to get to the layers of skin where the roots of the scars are and erase them.

This method is a good one for bad scars because it is fast and easy, suited to both men and women and can be modified to fit your specific skin needs.

4. Laser Resurfacing

This method should only be used as a last resort because it is painful and takes time. Laser resurfacing gets rid of the most extreme acne scars by using a laser to remove the bad tissue and let new skin grow in it’s place. Do your research and consult your doctor before considering this procedure.

With these methods, now you and anyone else can have clear, scar-free and healthy skin.

Frown lines around your mouth or forehead can make you look tired and older than your age. However, there are methods for preventing and eliminating these wrinkles.

Skin maintains its elasticity with the natural substances of collagen and elastin. However, your body produces less of these chemicals with age and your skin has a harder time staying taut and bouncing back when stretched. Think of a worn-out rubber band that is too stretched to return to its original size. The aging process is made worse by factors like sun exposure and smoking. With years of repetitive movements like frowning, laughing, and squinting, frown lines form.

To prevent frown lines, protect your skin from the sun. Wear large sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen. Make sure to reapply sunblock often. Wrinkle creams are good for both treatment and prevention since they nourish your cells and help replenish your depleting collagen. Look for lotions and creams that contain retinol or vitamin A, vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid to moisturize. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids can also help to remove or exfoliate dead skin cells and reveal more youthful skin underneath. For an effective and relaxing solution, facial massages may actually help prevent frown lines. A massage stimulates blood flow to the area, and exfoliation reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. If you’re concerned about wrinkles on your entire body, use oils like coconut or almond oil to keep skin soft and well-hydrated.

Diet can also be a factor that affects the health of your skin. Foods that contain antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids are known to affect the firmness of your skin. Instead of processed foods, go with fruits and vegetables and drink ample water.

Once you have the wrinkles, though, it is difficult to reverse the curse. One of the most popular treatment options for frown lines is the use of Botox. Botox injection can almost immediately reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and it lasts for months. Similar treatments include fillers like hyaluronic acid, collagen and calcium hydroxylapatite. Surgical brow or forehead lifts are more expensive, but they last for years. Less extreme treatment options include non-surgical procedures like chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser skin resurfacing.

Microdermabrasion and Chemical peels are two very common skin rejuvenation techniques. Although they can both treat acne and signs of aging, it is helpful to understand the differences between the two procedures before consulting a medical professional and investing in a treatment.

Do not be overwhelmed by the term microdermabrasion. To break it down, the procedure is just a light abrasion of the top layer of the skin. Most people look to microdermabrasion to treat acne and other surface blemishes. The procedure propels micro aluminum oxide crystals at the skin to exfoliate the surface and rid the skin of dead cells. This also clears out dirt particles and blemish-causing elements. Some microdermabrasion treatments use a technique without crystals, but this is the most common form. Because this procedure affects the top layers of skin, it’s considered to be generally safe. Some patients may have redness on the skin for a few hours after the procedure.

One drawback to microdermabrasion is that is only temporary. Treatments usually only last a few months before the effects wear off and patients must undergo the same procedure again. If your skin concerns are more surface-level in nature, though, this may be a good option for you. Although more intensive treatments last longer, they can often irritate the skin. If you suffer from whiteheads, blackheads, or just dull skin, then irritating the skin may actually cause more problems.

Chemical peels are usually more intensive, but the same treatment techniques can be applied in different depths depending on your needs. Some chemical peels have a very fast recovery time, while deep peels may require months of healing. This often depends on the skin conditions the patient wants to treat. Like microdermabrasion, chemical peels can treat acne and freshen up dull skin. Deeper peels, however, can also improve the look of wrinkles and photo-aging.

The peel treatment uses chemical solutions to actually intentionally damage the skin, but in a controlled manner. Different chemicals affect the skin in different ways, and several peels may be required to reach the desired result. Peel procedures are safe and commonplace, but deeper peels may require anesthesia and the monitoring of vital signs. If this worries you, then it may be wise to start with microdermabrasion. Chemical peels can last for years. Patients will need to have repeated procedures eventually, but maintenance is much easier than with microdermabrasion.

Many people wonder if microdermabrasion chemical peels exist because the procedure of microdermabrasion and that of the chemical peel are associated as they have many similarities between them. The following article will explain both procedures and how they are alike and different.

Microdermabrasions and chemical peels work on skin in similar ways as the aim of both is to scrape off the outer later of skin so as to rid the skin of dead cells, debris, and even minor scaring. Apart from this general similarity, there are significant differences between the two procedures, the most important of which is the method of peeling that is used.

Microdermabrasion is a mechanical method of peeling in which microcrystals are used to exfoliate the skin. Chemical peels, on the other hand, use acid solutions to chemically remove the outer layer of skin. Because the microdermabrasion is relatively gentle of a procedure compared to a chemical peel, it is often used to treat smaller imperfections such as clogged and/or enlarged poors, fine lines and wrinkles, sunspots, and mild scarring. The entire procedure usually lasts only a couple of sessions.

Chemical peels are a more intensive procedure, so they can be used to treat more serious skin problems such as age spots, deep scars, hyperpigmentation, and deeper wrinkles. The strength of the acid solution used can be varied, so depending on the severity of the skin problem at hand, the appropriate treatment must be determined and administered.

The materials for both the microdermabrasion and the chemical peel are available on the market, but it is recommended that these procedures are not attempted at home without the experience of a professional. Because it is a simpler, less invasive or traumatic procedure, microdermabrasion recovery lasts only hours to a few days. Chemical peels, because of the intensity of the procedure, can require a recovery time of one week up to almost three months. These skin treatments can be used to take care of damages to the face, neck, chest, back, and hands. The treatment itself normally takes about half an hour for the face and one hour for the chest and neck.

When people think of chemical peels, they often bring to mind an image of an aging beauty desperately trying to hold on to her looks. That image is rapidly changing due to a new use that is sweeping cosmetic surgeons’ offices worldwide. The newest use of the chemical peel is not for beauty enhancement, it is for skin cancer prevention.

Most of the women that are in their forties or fifties now came of age in a different era. It was an era that was much less concerned with the risk of skin cancer. These ladies spent their teens and twenties relaxing by the pool with a bottle of lemon juice or tanning oil handy next to the lounge chair. All of that sun exposure is now catching up with them, and they have to be wary of the development of skin cancer.

Physicians are using chemical peels to do preventative maintenance of the skin. Patients that come in to a dermatologist will have their skin examined. If the patient has experienced a large amount of sun exposure over the course of a lifetime, they will often have sunspots on their skin. These sunspots can be precursors to skin cancer. To prevent the sun spots from ever getting the chance to become something potentially dangerous, the dermatologist will prescribe a chemical peel.

Many dermatologists will perform the peel themselves. Sometimes they do not have the necessary arrangements to perform the procedure, so they will refer their patient to a cosmetic surgeon. The technique is fairly straightforward. The physician applies one of three different acids to the patient’s skin. The three types of acid are phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). Each penetrates a different depth into the skin tissue, with phenol being the strongest and AHA the weakest. The old skin is removed, and new skin, healthy skin replaces it. It takes around a week for the patient to recover, and it will appear similar to sunburn during the recovery period. The skin will peel and shed, but the skin is not damaged like it would be with a sunburn.

As well as getting rid of the sunspots that are a skin cancer risk, the chemical peel has that added benefit of a rejuvenation of appearance. When the old skin falls away, the new skin has a fresh appearance. It is often said that someone that has undergone the procedure will appear ten years younger.

According to a recent survey, non invasive procedures are on the rise.

A survey released by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) reveals that the number of non invasive cosmetic procedures rose 47 percent last year.

The growing trend of using non invasive procedures to look and feel refreshed is accounted for, mainly, by the state of the economy. According to 80 percent of the surgeons surveyed, many said their patients are choosing these procedures because, not only are they cheaper, they are needed to remain competitive in the workplace. According to the survey, roughly 36 percent of men and 18 percent of women report work related reasons for seeking cosmetic procedures.

According to the survey, the increase in non invasive surgeries was seen across the board with poly-l-lactic acid having the largest increase of 71 percent. Coming in close behind were chemical peels which were up 52 percent, hyaluronic acid up 48 percent and Botox up 45 percent.

Seventy-seven percent of surgeons agreed that their patients are also better educated about the different cosmetic procedures available to them. Many have done their research of the different physicians, pricing as well as recovery time in order to find the procedure best suited for their needs.

The president of the AAFPRS, Daniel Rousso said: “We are excited to see patients making educated choices. They are now open to newer, novel treatments and are making smart decisions that are tailored to their needs…the overall rise in these procedures also shows that more patients are trusting their face to facial plastic surgeons who are trained and focus solely on the face and neck. Because of this, patients are seeing better outcomes.”

Also uncovered in this survey was the fact that women are still more likely than men to undergo cosmetic procedures; women account for 84 percent of surgical as well as non-surgical cosmetic procedures. What remained unchanged, however, was the fact that the number of men and women choosing surgery for reconstructive purposes are equal.

Not surprising is the fact that, according to the AAFPRS, there has been a 91 percent increase in the number of men having Botox since 2000.