
In this article, we will take a more in-depth look at what Acne Treatment options are available to help those who are suffering from acne scars.

Laser resurfacing is one treatment option that should be considered and it works in a way that is similar to dermabrasion. CO2 and Erb: Yag lasers are the types which are the most often used in laser resurfacing treatments. What the laser does is basically destroy the epidermis as well as the top dermal layer. The affected skin is taken off and the damaged tissue is given time to heal in a process similar to dermabrasion. The skin will eventually heal completely and the texture of the affected region will be improved.

As this Acne Treatment kills cells, it has risks that are close to those of dermabrasion. As a result of using this Acne Treatment, those who have a darker complexion face the risk of developing further scars or hyperpigmentation.

For atrophic scarring, it is possible to insert a needle under the scar in order to release the scar tissue. This procedure is called subcision and has shown a lot of effectiveness, as it only targets scar tissue that is under the skin, allowing new and healthy skin to regenerate itself and replace the tissue that was damaged. This treatment is quite simple and only requires a local anesthesia.

If you have deep ice pick scars, one of the available treatment options for you is punch excision and grafting. The scar is excised with the help of a device called a punch. The wound will then be sewn together by using a suture. While this procedure does actually cause some scarring, the new scar that is formed will be a lot smaller than the original. This new scar can also be removed by using other methods. If the scar is too large to be effectively removed with punch excision, a further possibility is getting a skin graft.

In certain cases it is possible to add fillers which will give more volume to the skin. While this procedure will make acne scars flatter, it is not permanent. It will require periodic injections of the filling material in order to maintain its efficiency. While it may not be an ideal choice to use fillers as a primary treatment, this method can be combined with other treatments in order to achieve its desired effect.

Medical microdermabrasion is a method used to resurface the skin by peeling away a very fine layer with each treatment received. The procedure is completely non-invasive, simple, and painless and results in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines that come with age. It is just as effective as more expensive laser resurfacing treatments or chemical peels in getting rid of superficial imperfections on the skin. Microdermabrasion also can help heal mild cases of acne, and can lessen pigmentation issues like age spots. These treatments are also successful at reducing oily skin and shrinking pores.

Microdermabrasion is able to smooth skin and improve its tone by using a small device that can be held easily in the hand to apply a special cream to the skin. This cream contains thousands of tiny crystals. While the crystals are peeling away a layer of dead skin, the device also vacuums away the crystals along with the old skin cells. After a treatment, the next layer of skin that is smoother and softer is revealed. With each microdermabrasion treatment, more dead skin cells are removed and new cells are generated faster than they normally would be without the treatment. While new skin cells are growing so is new collagen, which makes the skin thicker and tighter, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Another advantage of microdermabrasion is that it also helps the skin produce elastin. Elastin makes skin more supple. These treatments also increase the flow of blood to the dermis, allowing the skin to repair itself more quickly and efficiently.

Results of microdermabrasion can be seen with the initial treatment, leaving your skin looking refreshed and aglow and you feeling better about yourself. If you feel like treating yourself to a day at the spa, add a microdermabrasion treatment to your schedule and walk out feeling like a new you.

More than one treatment with this system may be necessary in order to treat certain issues like light acne scarring and age spots and to get the big results you want when it comes to those fine lines and wrinkles. With each treatment you will see those problem areas fade and your skin will respond better to anti-aging creams and lotions and to acne medications.

Microdermabrasion treatments are greatly successful and can be used on people with just about any skin type. However, those with serious cases of acne should not use microdermabrasion.