Coming a close second behind Botulinum Toxin injections, dermal fillers are a firm favourite across the globe. The popular injections are used to add volume to the chosen areas and provide a youthful, plumper appearance. In this guide we take an in depth look into this highly sought after injectable treatment…

What are dermal fillers?

Formed by cross-linking Hyaluronic Acid molecules, dermal filler is a gel-like substance. It works by reintroducing collagen into aged and sunken skin or to enhance certain areas. The results show restored volume, increased definition, contouring and softening of lines. Instead of following botulinum toxin in helping the active lines. Dermal fillers help to combat the static lines, these are the lines that are always there no matter what movement your face is making.

How do dermal fillers work?

Administered by injections, dermal fillers work by injecting small amounts of Hylarunic Acid (HA) under the skin in the chosen areas. The HA wakes up the collagen beneath the skin improving volume to the area. This in turn can help to smooth out wrinkles, fill deep lines or add volume and definition to an area such as the popular lip filler procedure.

What are the dermal filler brands?

As with botulinum toxin there are many brands to choose from when it comes to dermal fillers. They all hold their own research and credentials as to why they feel they stand apart from others on the market. A lot of the brands have also created additional ranges (2nd or 3rd generation) of dermal fillers which are all designed to achieve the best results for different areas of the face. The most popular dermal filler brands are:

  • Restylane
  • Belotero
  • Juvederm

At Cosmetic Courses we use Juvederm dermal fillers by Allergan. Approved by the FDA, Juvederm has been used for many years showing fantastic and safe results. Named the “family of fillers” Juvederm has two different types of filler the Ultra and Vycross range. Both of these ranges have multiple products which vary on density and longevity. Results will differ depending on the technique and area being treated along with your own individual skin health.

Are dermal fillers permanent?

Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Rystlane are semi-permanent and results can last from 6-18 months.

Where can I use dermal fillers?

The popular injectable can be used in a number of different areas to help re-shape, define and add volume:

  • Nose to mouth lines
  • Mouth to chin lines
  • Corners of the mouth
  • Dermal filler for lips (border & body)
  • Nose reshaping (non-surgical rhinoplasty)
  • Tear Trough Rejuvenation
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Cheek
  • Backs of hands
  • Décolletage

Dermal filler facts…

  • Dermal fillers were first introduced in the 1800’s by an Austrian surgeon as a soft tissue filler for facial defects.
  • It’s not only popular with females but men too, with a 6% growth for male use in 2015.
  • In 2015 there were 2.4 million procedures, up 6 percent from 2014 and 274 percent since 2000 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The number of procedures has increased by a staggering 43 percent in women since 2000.

Before & After of Dermal Fillers

Dermal Filler Treatments at Cosmetic Courses

Cosmetic Courses has been training medical professionals in the UK since 2002. As one of the longest-established providers we pride ourselves on the quality of our training and the products we use for treatment. This means that you are receiving the safest possible treatment as a model with us. The added bonus is that the treatment with us is a fraction of the high street cost.


If you would like to speak to a member of our team please call us now on 01844 390110 or register here to receive further information.

It’s the injectable sweeping the world but what do we really know about the winkle buster that is Botulinum Toxin? In this blog we look at the facts & some frequently asked questions to get your knowledge tip top when it comes to one of the worlds most famous toxins.

What is Botulinum Toxin?

Used aesthetically to combat wrinkles Botulinum Toxin is a neurotoxin protein sourced from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It’s qualities help to relax muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Over time with extensive research and testing the injectable has proven to be able to also treat certain medical conditions.

How does Botulinum Toxin work?

Botulinum Toxin works by injecting controlled amounts of the product into the areas where you have active muscle movement. In line with our ageing process we gradually form wrinkles overtime. We develop these wrinkles as a result of repetitive active movement of certain muscle groups. The treatment works by relaxing the muscles which helps to prevent them from contracting and in turn slows down the formation of wrinkles and lines.

What is Botox?

Many use the word Botox as the name of the treatment when in fact this is just the name of one brand of Botulinum Toxin. Created by Allergan, Botox® is one of the biggest brands of Botox in the world. It would be the same as calling all vacuum cleaners a hoover… All brands of Botulinum Toxin hold their own qualities and names. Patients should be aware of the pros and cons of each to help them make an informed decision on the products used.

Are Botulinum Toxin injections safe?

Safety is incredibly important when it comes to aesthetic treatments and in order to ensure your safety it’s beneficial to know about the practice of injectables. Understanding more about this will help you to make informed decisions about your treatments.

In order for public use products need to have FDA approval. Each product approved by the FDA has gone through extensive testing in order for it to meet all guidelines and regulations set. Once given the FDA seal of approval the product is safe to use when administered by a professional.

We treat our models with Botox at Cosmetic Courses, the anti-wrinkle injection created by Allergan. The FDA have approved Botox for over 10 years.

Administered by a trained professional this procedure is safe and can achieve great results.

Are Botulinum Toxin injections permanent?

No, these injections are not permanent. On average Botox lasts for around 3 – 4 months post treatment and patients find they often need repeat treatments needed throughout the year. The right practitioner will guide you with your treatment plan to ensure your safety and achieve the best results.

Botulinum Toxin FACTS…

  • First used in the 70’s, the injectable was used to treat the medical condition of Strabismus.
  • Its journey in the cosmetic industry began in the 90’s where its wrinkle relaxing qualities were discovered.
  • Botulinum Toxin is manufactured by many companies but there are three main pharmaceutical companies used in the UK; Allergan, Galderma & Merz.
  • Headaches, excessive sweating and strabismus are some of the medical conditions which can be treated with the injectable.
  • Botulinum Toxin injections are popular with everybody, from women to men “Brotox” to business professionals “Protox“.
  • The number of women in the UK using anti-wrinkle injections has risen by 41% since 2011.

Botox Treatments at Cosmetic Courses

If you are considering Botox treatment and are looking for a high quality procedure without breaking the bank then having treatment with Cosmetic Courses may be the right option for you. All treatments are supervised by our team of expert trainers and performed by medically qualified professionals.



Register your interest today to become a Cosmetic Courses Model or give us a call on 01844 390110 to speak to our friendly customer service team.

The Level 7 qualification has well and truly begun within the aesthetic industry. As with all new topics there are often frequent questions which need clarifying. In this blog we look at the following Level 7 FAQ…

“Can I combine training providers for my Level 7 Certificate in Injectables?”

You may not be aware but all aesthetic training providers develop their own courses for their delegates. Based on their experience and expertise their structure and delivery will be different. Each provider will have their own personal training standards which they are striving to achieve.

In order for a Level 7 Qualification to be approved it must follow a set specification whilst complying with Ofqual recognised guidelines. Topics are highlighted which need to be covered along with the level of competence the delegate should demonstrate. However it is up to the training provider as to how they wish to deliver and teach certain aspects of the qualification.

The awarding body do not encourage delegate to move between training providers whilst completing their qualification. Delegates commonly ask for support (particularly with the practical and mentoring sessions)  who are undergoing their qualification with other training providers. In order to maintain consistency and ensure we keep to the guidelines set we do not advocate this. We are also unable to combine our qualification with any other training provider or accept delegates who are already undergoing their Level 7 certificate elsewhere as we cannot be sure of the standard of theoretical teaching and knowledge you have received.

We advise all delegates who are looking into the Level 7 Qualification to thoroughly research all of your options available. You need to make sure that the provider you choose supports you with all aspects of the qualification. This includes making sure your learning needs are met and the qualification contains a foundation course, SAQ’s, clinical days and the final OSCE days.

Level 7 at Cosmetic Courses

At Cosmetic Courses we pride ourselves on our standard of teaching. We have trained over 5000 delegates many of whom have gone on to lead successful careers within aesthetic medicine. Based on our teaching experience within the industry, we have developed our Level 7 qualification to meet all guidelines set by the HEE and JCCP. We are set on providing the highest quality of training available with our team of expert trainers. We leave no stone unturned and provide all 8 units of the qualification.

If you would like to find out more about our Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine speak to member of our team today on 01844 390110 or [email protected] alternatively you can visit our course page here.

Useful resources: