Meghan Markles Go To Skin Guide!

Meghan Markles skin continues to luminate and produce a radiant glow, so what is her secret?

It’s quite clear she is passionate about skincare working alongside Nichola Joss, a skincare expert who holds an impressive catalog of stars she has helped glow when it comes to products and routines.

A firm favourite of Meghans continues to be chemical peeling, a non invasive treatment which tightens pores and eliminates all imperfections. Followed by either a microdermabrasion or IPL, to help clear the skin of impurities for a deep cleanse. Skin expert Nichola suggests for this treatments to be carried out every two months but should then stop a month before any big event (like a royal wedding!) and change the focus of cleansing to hydration.

Self-massage to look younger

Another favourite of Meghan is the simple yet effective facial massages. Recently dubbed “facial yoga”, an easy addition to add to your skincare routine.

American researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago trailed this new craze for five months, with volunteers performing daily facial massage movements. Some of the movement including opening the mouth wide to form an O, smiling as much as possible to work the cheek muscles before massaging your cheekbones with your fingertips, or smiling without showing your teeth. repeated five times slowly. The result: firmer skin and smoother lines.

To work on the neck area you can look up and face the ceiling whilst opening and closing the mouth. With your shoulders back, lift up your chin until you tension the neck skin, without bending your neck and keeping your back straight. The face is facing the ceiling. In this position, open and close the mouth slowly and normally, feeling the tension in the neck. 

To smooth the forehead, pull up your hair with your hands and look straight ahead. Slowly lower the eyebrows, but do not bring them closer together. Close your eyes and always hold the top of the forehead that remains smooth. Remove the hand and let the eyebrows rise, without wrinkling the forehead.

Our clinic offers different treatments according to your skin type and especially same treatment as Meghan Markle: the chemical peeling that makes your skin brighter and tighten your pores to restore healthy skin. 

To book your consultation with our team: 01844 390110

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How To Look After Your Skin in The hot weather! cosmetic courses

Our patients often ask how do they look after their skin in the hot weather. Skin specialist Simona recommends the following steps:

  1. Try to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that are important for skin health. It also contains sulforaphane, which may help prevent skin cancer and protect your skin from sunburn. Watermelon, this fruit is a hydration hero, and fluids are exactly what you need when the heat is on. Tomatoes is another great option to choose with your meal in a summer as it is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C.
  2. You must also drink plenty of water in summer to keep your skin looking youthful and fresh. Skin exposed to sun, hot temperatures and high winds cause dry skin, sunburn or skin damage. If dehydrated, the skin loses its elasticity. The skin is the body’s largest organ and hydration moves water through all of the body’s membranes, keeping skin elastic and soft.
  3. EYN-C20 SMInvest in a solid vitamin C serum. In the clinic we offer EYN Vitamin C serum. Clinically proven L-ascorbic acidat its peak concentration of anti-oxidant activity which is quickly absorbed to remove free radicals to prevent skin damage, helping to brighten skin and maintain a youthful appearance. The formulation is supported with ferulic acid to create this light effective day serum.
  4. Make sure all your makeup in non-comedogenic. If your makeup is full of pore-clogging ingredients, you’ll likely start breaking out as soon as your sweat and makeup mingle. Check your labels and be diligent about wearing the cleanest, lightest makeup during the summer months.
  5. Don’t forget to hydrate! Moisturising during summer can seem tough, if you don’t find the right product for your skin, as it can often feel heavy and clog pores. However, finding the right cream to keep your skin protected, alongside an SPF will do wonders for you and prevent itching.

SPF! SPF! SPF! First things first, apply SPF every single day. This will not only protect against sunburn but also from environmental damage.

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