Many people get acne, usually in their teen years, and many people get scars by bursting the pimples caused by acne. Acne scars are a very irritating thing to live with and until recently were a permanent skin problem. Luckily with the advancements made in medical science this is no longer the case.

The top 4 ways to get rid of acne scars are each a little different from each other because different levels of acne require different methods. So whether your scarring is only slight or is extremely noticeable one of these treatments should definitely work for you.

1. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a very useful, non-invasive skin care procedure. The top layer of skin is removed with an exfoliating device allowing new skin cells to come to the surface. This treatment is good for minor acne scarring and other minor skin problems, or just to keep your skin nice and healthy looking.

2. Collagen Injections

For more noticeable acne scars, collagen injections may be a good idea. The procedure is exactly what it sounds like, collagen is injected into the scars with a syringe and fills the areas, eliminating any signs of damaged tissue.

There is a little pain involved with collagen injections, but it should only last about 10-20 minutes. Getting the injections also takes only a short amount of time so it can be done easily during the day, leaving you with a nice, clear complexion.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are more commonly used for sun damage and other skin problems, but also work with acne. Chemical peels go where Microdermabrasion can’t, peeling off several layers of skin rather than just one. This allows them to get to the layers of skin where the roots of the scars are and erase them.

This method is a good one for bad scars because it is fast and easy, suited to both men and women and can be modified to fit your specific skin needs.

4. Laser Resurfacing

This method should only be used as a last resort because it is painful and takes time. Laser resurfacing gets rid of the most extreme acne scars by using a laser to remove the bad tissue and let new skin grow in it’s place. Do your research and consult your doctor before considering this procedure.

With these methods, now you and anyone else can have clear, scar-free and healthy skin.

It’s all over the tabloids.

Celebrities uncovered who need “a little work done.” Or have had said “work” done in an obvious manner. Or, worst yet, the ones who looked better before.

Plastic surgery. With the “education” that the tabloids give us about it, should we even wonder why people hesitate to permanently correct their flaws?

However, researchers and healthcare professionals are discovering many new and exciting factors about nutraceuticals and the cosmetic surgery industry. Not only are botox and plastic surgery safer than they used to be, but they also produce better results. Your risk of coming out looking like a goldfish is not only greatly diminished, but the procedure itself is healthier for you than it has ever been.

The Methodist Hospital reports through a recent study that dietary supplements of zinc and phytase prior to Botox®, Dysport®, or Myobloc® injections increased the effectiveness 93% of the time. 44 patients who had not responded positively to botulinum toxin injections were once again being treated for a blepharospasm condition, a rare form of eyelid spasms, hemifacial spasms, and cosmetic wrinkles. Each of the patients took zinc and phytase for four consecutive days prior to surgery, and 41 of them had more success than they did the first time.

Before the plastic surgery, the patients took 50 mg of zinc citrate, along with 3,000 PU of phytase and 10 mg of zinc gluconate or placebo supplementation. The researchers evaluated the patients based on their individual experiences with cosmetic surgery prior to taking the dietary supplements as a baseline.

As a result of this remarkable study, Dr. Charles Soparkar, an oculoplastic surgeon at The Methodist Hospital, is offering a zinc and phytase supplement to his patients. “Surprisingly, the results showed in more than 90 percent of the patients studied, the zinc/phytase combination improved responsiveness to treatment of blepharospasm using the same amount of botulinum toxin as previously used,” said Soparkar. “The toxins seemed to have greater effect and last longer. Potentially, this could mean using fewer toxins, offering patients financial savings, greater safety and more consistent results.” Dr. Soparkar will present this dietary supplement at the American Society of Opthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery’s 41st Annual Fall Scientific Symposium on October 14 in Chicago.

Because of this remarkable study, botox and plastic surgery are safer and more effective practices, building confidence in patients and allowing for safer and more effective results.

The use of the anti-wrinkle product Botox is said to help those feel better about themselves because they do not frown even when they are sad. This then feeds the idea back into their brains, and can help reduce the feeling of sadness. Theoretically, scientists claim that if a person can’t physically frown, the brain then feels as if there is nothing to be sad about- the equivalent of acting happy even if you are not, therefore tricking your brain into thinking you really are.

According to the study performed by the US Association for Psychological Science, it applies even for those who have received the Botox injection to stop wrinkles. These injections are a temporary solution that causes the paralysis of the muscles. It is done by tiny amounts of the toxin being injected into the muscles that are mainly responsible for frowning.

Research performed at the University of Wisconsin used 40 volunteers who allowed small doses of Botox to be injected into their foreheads. Afterward, the volunteers were asked to read from statements that ranged from happy, sad and angry, which they had already done before the treatment began. Those who received the treatment took more time to read off the more negative statements than before they had received their injections. David Havas, a researcher involved in the project, explained that while the time delay was small, it was significant, suggesting that a person’s brain can take longer processing the emotion found in the statement.

According to Mr. Havas, “There is an idea in psychology called the facial feedback hypothesis. Essentially, it says, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you. It’s an old song, but it’s right. Actually, this study suggests the opposite: When you’re not frowning, the world seems less angry and less sad.”

Another Research professor, Mr. Arthur Glenberg, also discussed the study. “Normally, the brain would be sending signals to the periphery to frown, and the extent of the frown would be sent back to the brain”, he stated. “But here, that loop is disrupted, and the intensity of the emotion and of our ability to understand it when embodied in language is disrupted.”

It is important to be careful when you have Botox injections, because you may get the opposite effect. Botox injections in the bottom part of the face may prevent smiling, making a person feel sad, according to research done by Barnard College in New York

Do you ever wonder why Brad and Angie always look beautifully put together and ready for the red carpet? Some say it’s genetic, that their beauty is the reason they are famous in the first place, and that their money will allow them to go “under the knife” to preserve their youth.

But only a few know the secret of Hollywood. And now they are letting us in on it.

The Dermaroller

Although the Dermaroller resembles an instrument of torture, people with youthful skin swear by it because it produces healthy, supple, bright skin. It also eliminates the need for many different cosmetic and plastic surgeries. The Dermaroller is a small roller covered in tiny needles, designed to prick the skin and stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen.

Does it Work?

Dr. Sach Mohan of Transform clinics says, “It’s the latest thing on the block, and it is phenomenal…it harnesses the skin’s ability to repair and regenerate itself.”

Although this “torture method” causes people to grimace, it is wildly popular. Therapists apply topical anasthetic over the area prior to use, completely bypassing the risk of going under general anasthetics. This minimizes any pain and discomfort associated with the Dermaroller.

Does it Bleed?

It does cause minimal bleeding, but the therapists immediately apply a second cream to treat the bleeding. The patient generally looks pink and sunburned immediately after the surgery. A day after the procedure, the patient’s skin looks smooth and healthy. Healthcare professionals recommend having six consecutive monthly treatments for lasting effects.

A Growing Trend

The Dermaroller is a rapidly increasing trend. This is a breakthrough technology that prevents patients from having to undergo risky systemic anasthetics, invasive treatments, and long recoveries. Facelifts are becoming a thing of the past.

And facelifts have never completely taken care of rough, scarred, and stretch marked areas. Or skin that’s not on your face. “As people grow older the skin in the back of the hands becomes crepey,” says Mohan. “We’re now using volumising injections. They involve a single injection in the back of the hands.”

What’s Next?

The Dermaroller is the hottest breakthrough in cosmetic treatments. However, cosmetic advancements are already underway: topical botox without a needle. “topical application of botox which can penetrate the skin into the muscle,” explains Mohan. “In the future it’s going to be all about minimal discomfort and minimal bruising. That’s the holy grail.”

Botox, made from Botulinum Toxin, is a protein generated by a bacterium. When administered in minute doses, it paralyzes muscles by blocking messages sent from the brain to the muscles. Traditional medicine uses it to treat uncontrollable muscle spasms and cosmetic medicine uses it as a beauty treatment. As a beauty aid, it smoothens out wrinkles from 3 to 6 months, and it only takes a half-hour to complete.

Unfortunately, due to its efficacy in facial rejuvenation and its profitability, the Independent Healthcare Advisory Service (IHAS) has cautioned that numerous medical firms are allowing employees to inject Botox into the faces of patients after only some rudimentary training, consisting of injecting oranges. In fact, staff members like administrators, are injecting patients after only a few hours of training. Moreover, many of the trainers have no medical background or qualifications.

The IHAS warns that this lack of proper regulation is putting patients at risk. Botox injections are even being given by hairdressers and beauty therapists, who are storing the Botulinum at the wrong temperature. These unhygienic conditions are causing medical complications. In Britain, one million people get Botox or facial filler injections, and 1 out of every 20 clients suffers complications, with those injected with Botox suffering droopy eyelids and those injected with facial fillers developing lumps under the skin.

A famous example about complications arising from improper treatment is the story of actress Leslie Ash. After a liquid silicone lip injection by a plastic surgeon at the house of a friend, the silicone set around the muscles creating a disfiguring “trout prout,” which surgeons have not been able to remove.

In an attempt to sort out the mess, the IHAS has launched a website called that exclusively lists those who are medically qualified practitioners trained to provide injections. This industry-regulated website is also backed by the Government.

Dr Andrew Vallance-Owen, a surgeon and the Chairman of the IHAS Working Group, which is responsible for the website said, “We are appalled by the sheer volume of bad practice within the industry but there is also a lot of good clinical practice and we are convinced that the great majority of providers are 100 per cent behind improving patient safety.”

However, the website is regarded with skepticism by Niger Mercer, a consultant plastic surgeon and President of The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, who said, “It is evident from the information circulated by the IHAS to the profession that the scheme is being used as a marketing tool, its regulation appears rudimentary and their ‘Quality Mark’ is not recognised by the British Standards Institute or any other regulatory body. “

In this article, we will take a more in-depth look at what Acne Treatment options are available to help those who are suffering from acne scars.

Laser resurfacing is one treatment option that should be considered and it works in a way that is similar to dermabrasion. CO2 and Erb: Yag lasers are the types which are the most often used in laser resurfacing treatments. What the laser does is basically destroy the epidermis as well as the top dermal layer. The affected skin is taken off and the damaged tissue is given time to heal in a process similar to dermabrasion. The skin will eventually heal completely and the texture of the affected region will be improved.

As this Acne Treatment kills cells, it has risks that are close to those of dermabrasion. As a result of using this Acne Treatment, those who have a darker complexion face the risk of developing further scars or hyperpigmentation.

For atrophic scarring, it is possible to insert a needle under the scar in order to release the scar tissue. This procedure is called subcision and has shown a lot of effectiveness, as it only targets scar tissue that is under the skin, allowing new and healthy skin to regenerate itself and replace the tissue that was damaged. This treatment is quite simple and only requires a local anesthesia.

If you have deep ice pick scars, one of the available treatment options for you is punch excision and grafting. The scar is excised with the help of a device called a punch. The wound will then be sewn together by using a suture. While this procedure does actually cause some scarring, the new scar that is formed will be a lot smaller than the original. This new scar can also be removed by using other methods. If the scar is too large to be effectively removed with punch excision, a further possibility is getting a skin graft.

In certain cases it is possible to add fillers which will give more volume to the skin. While this procedure will make acne scars flatter, it is not permanent. It will require periodic injections of the filling material in order to maintain its efficiency. While it may not be an ideal choice to use fillers as a primary treatment, this method can be combined with other treatments in order to achieve its desired effect.

The cosmetic enhancement industry has seen rapid growth over the past ten years. The sheer number of images that we are exposed to of people receiving treatment to fight the effects of aging is staggering. You see them in movies, television, and magazines. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons predicts that the number of cosmetic procedures undergone each year will have grown by an amazing four hundred percent between 2005 and 2015. A large part of the reason for this is that injections have been replacing more invasive surgical procedures such as face lifts. Injections are both less expensive and offer almost no downtime in comparison to surgical procedures, making them a very attractive option.

Recently, a panel discussion on the future of cosmetic enhancements was held in Toronto, where many of the city’s most respected plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, and dermatologists met to discuss some of the latest changes and the future of the industry. Dr. Sheetal Sapra, director of dermatology at the Institute of Cosmetic and Laser surgery says that back in 1990, nearly all of the cosmetic work that was conducted in Canada was performed by plastic surgeons. This has changed quite drastically. Now only about twenty percent of the work that they do is surgical in nature.

The reason for this change is something called combination therapy. Combination therapy is the use of several different facial injections in combination with one another to receive the desired cosmetic effects. Some of the treatments that may be undergone include Botox, which is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face, causing them to relax and allowing wrinkles and creases in the face to smooth out. Other treatments such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane contain within them synthetic fillers that help to rejuvinate a sculpt the skin. These fillers include hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are natural proteins produced by the body that help keep tissue healthy. They may also include artificial chemicals that help give form to the face. Other treatments include laser treatments which can be used in order to remove brown spots or rosacea from the face. Fractional tightening is another option which can be used in order to smooth wrinkles and creases, improve the texture of the skin, and fight acne scars.

Dr. Stephen Mulholland, one of Canada’s most respected plastic surgeons, claims that about sixty minutes of work and three thousand dollars is enough to take five years off of somebody’s face today.

Medical microdermabrasion is a method used to resurface the skin by peeling away a very fine layer with each treatment received. The procedure is completely non-invasive, simple, and painless and results in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines that come with age. It is just as effective as more expensive laser resurfacing treatments or chemical peels in getting rid of superficial imperfections on the skin. Microdermabrasion also can help heal mild cases of acne, and can lessen pigmentation issues like age spots. These treatments are also successful at reducing oily skin and shrinking pores.

Microdermabrasion is able to smooth skin and improve its tone by using a small device that can be held easily in the hand to apply a special cream to the skin. This cream contains thousands of tiny crystals. While the crystals are peeling away a layer of dead skin, the device also vacuums away the crystals along with the old skin cells. After a treatment, the next layer of skin that is smoother and softer is revealed. With each microdermabrasion treatment, more dead skin cells are removed and new cells are generated faster than they normally would be without the treatment. While new skin cells are growing so is new collagen, which makes the skin thicker and tighter, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Another advantage of microdermabrasion is that it also helps the skin produce elastin. Elastin makes skin more supple. These treatments also increase the flow of blood to the dermis, allowing the skin to repair itself more quickly and efficiently.

Results of microdermabrasion can be seen with the initial treatment, leaving your skin looking refreshed and aglow and you feeling better about yourself. If you feel like treating yourself to a day at the spa, add a microdermabrasion treatment to your schedule and walk out feeling like a new you.

More than one treatment with this system may be necessary in order to treat certain issues like light acne scarring and age spots and to get the big results you want when it comes to those fine lines and wrinkles. With each treatment you will see those problem areas fade and your skin will respond better to anti-aging creams and lotions and to acne medications.

Microdermabrasion treatments are greatly successful and can be used on people with just about any skin type. However, those with serious cases of acne should not use microdermabrasion.

Lip augmentation treatment is a cosmetic procedure that is popular today among the routine cosmetic options that help women look younger. It increases the size of the lips. TheLip Augmentation upper and lower lip may be treated at the same time or one may be treated alone. On the majority of sites where patients can discuss their cosmetic procedures only 50% of the women who have had lip augmentation were happy with the results. It is a simple procedure that can have great benefits, so why do so many people regret having it?

Many plastic surgeons believe that the main cause of bad lip augmentation treatment is because the injector is inexperienced. Without thorough knowledge of the subject they tend to inject too much filler. Since it is easier to add more filler later than it is to remove excess, it is best to start with small amounts of filler and see the results.

There are different types of filler from fat to hyaluronic acid-base material such as Restylane and Juvederm. These are clear gel that is similar to what is found in the body. Fat is also a good filler because it is a permanent solution for most people. First, it needs to be harvested then injected into the lips. 30% to 50% of it grafts to the new location so it usually needs to be done twice to get the best results. Implants are permanent but sometimes are not put in the right place and end up looking lopsided. Any permanent cosmetic procedure needs to look right the first time. Otherwise, it is better to use the fillers that wear off in three to six months.

Recovery time varies. Injections take 1 to 2 recovery days but bruising and swelling may last a week. Implants and grafts take 1 to 2 recovery weeks and may be stiff for 2 to 3 months. Synthetic implants are good because they form scar tissue, so they stay in place and are never absorbed by the body, but there is the possibility of infection and rejection by the body. Fillers made from collagen taken from cadavers or cow skin can cause an allergic reaction even though the collagen is purified.

It is advisable to seriously consider whether or not lip augmentation treatment is a good idea. Even though significant complications are rare, there are risks depending on the chosen filler as well as the possibility of allergic reactions and scarring.

The method of cutaneous and subcutaneous administration of gaseous carbon-dioxide for cosmetic therapy, that is, to improve the texture and quality of skin is called carboxytherapy. The idea preliminarily originated in France in 1930s when it was observed that taking a bath in pools rich in gaseous carbon dioxide helps in rapid healing of wounds. This benefit of carbon dioxide gas is now used in cosmetic therapy. Carboxytherapy is reported to have beneficial results in improving blood circulation, restoring skin’s elasticity, lessening of fat cells and reduction of cellulite.

The injection of carbon dioxide gas through the skin cells helps to dilate the blood vessels, resulting in improved flow of blood and oxygen through the skin. Carboxytherapy, in a way, makes the human heart to pump more oxygen in the blood by injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide. The blood vessels, in order to nullify the presence of carbon dioxide, carries more oxygen following a physiological principle, generally termed as ‘oxygen off-loading’. As a consequence, worn out cells of the skin gets rejuvenated. Thus, this therapy is used to minimise wrinkles and ageing of the skin.

Along with skin rejuvenation, carboxytherapy is used against :

1. Dark under-eye circles : Carboxytherapy improves the capillary network of the lower eyelid, thus increasing the blood circulation

2. Stretch marks : The injection of carbon dioxide gas helps in collagen formation of skin, thus helping in building the collagen matrix and increasing the thickness of the skin.

3. Fat and cellulite reduction : A specific technique of injecting gaseous carbon dioxide into the fat cells is used, such that, the gas becomes toxic to the fat cells making them burst and subsequently eliminate from the body.

These applications of carboxytherapy makes it one of the most popular skin rejuvenation treatment. It is considered a breakthrough in cosmetic therapy. This treatment with carbon dioxide is least invasive. The patients will only bear a bruise at the spot of injection for a few days, and are generally prescribed not to involve in any vigorous exercises for a couple of hours after the treatment.The period of treatment depends on the severity of the problem. Six to twelve treatments, of fifteen to thirty minutes each, spaced one week apart, yield desired results. However, proper caution are advised to be taken and persons with breathing problems or asthma are generally suggested to refrain from carboxytherapy.

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