Everyone enjoys basking in the warm sun during summertime, and although the sun may fell wonderful and make you look tanned, the sun can be very damaging to your skin.

Even after you have experienced sun damage, there are steps you can take to reverse your damaged skin and prevent further extensive sun damage.

There is no true way to prevent sun damage other than by completely staying away from the sun, but the next best thing is to liberally apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to your skin every two hours and wear a hat, sunglasses, and long sleeves.

If your skin does begin to show signs of sun damage, make sure to apply ointments such as aloe that will moisturize and heal your skin.

Although too much exposure to the sun can become a bad thing, getting no sun is likewise bad for your skin. Your body needs a fair amount of vitamin D that the sun provides. Vitamin D from the sun is what gives your skin its healthy glow.

The tan that your body gets from the sun is actually your skin’s response to the heat. Your skin protects itself from the sun by becoming pigmented. Most damage to the skin of older adults originates from sunburns received as a child.

There are a few things that you can do to ensure healthy skin. One thing you can do is increase antioxidants by drinking green tea and taking vitamins C and E. Smoking is also very bad, because it causes your skin to become leathery and discolored. Those that smoke add a minimum of 10 years of age to the look of their skin.
For someone who wishes to undergo treatment for skin damage, topical applications would be the first approach. Items such as moisturizers and exfoliates usually deliver fast results to light skin damage. For those who are looking to get rid of brown sunspots, Erbium laser resurfacing works by using the water inside of damaged cells to reduce lines. Intense pulsating light therapy works to clear faces of red and brown spots. Those with severe damage and deep lines would do best with dermabrasion and chemical peels.

Make sure to protect your skin by always applying a generous amount of sunscreen to your body, and do your best to stay out of direct sunlight. By doing this you will ensure better all around health for your skin.

Dermatologists have some encouraging news for everyone who wants to recapture Youthful Skin and skin tone but are hesitant to undergo any type of surgery.Youthful Skin According to new dermatology studies, there is a new method that uses a combination of soft dermal fillers and tissue tightening techniques that can practically rub out your wrinkles and renew old skin.

The landscape of dermatology and how it deals with aging has changed dramatically. Dermatologists no longer look at aging skin as particular wrinkles or folds. Instead, dermatologists look at the entire face. This new approach treats soft tissue as support below the visible layers of skin which in turn supports the deeper underlying fat layers for Youthful Skin.

With this view, dermatologists now realize that cheek volume is an important part of re-establishing the skin care balance and assignation most patients want in a younger looking appearance. Volumetric loss of this underlying cheek fat layer makes wrinkles and folds more pronounced.

There are many dermal filling agents available today that can fix facial contour imperfections that result from aging. First, a dermatologist will make sure to determine what a patient wants to improve about their face. What follows afterwards depends on patient preference and what needs to be treated. It is then determined what substance will be best suited to treat the patient’s unique contour imperfections and volume irregularities.

Deeper and denser dermal fillers, like calcium hydroxylapatite, polylactic acid, dimethyl methacrylate, hydrogen dioxide and hyaluronic acid, are are typically employed to add volume to volume irregularities. These compounds also diminish the wrinkles formed from bottom of the nose to both corners of the mouth.

The reason dermatologists are excited about these developments is because the more the field determines about facial anatomy, especially the varied lipid sections of the cheek and the deposits of discrete lipids that collect in middle of the facial structure, the more exacting they can be. These studies can greatly increase a dermatologist’s ability to restore vitality, voluminosity, youthful appearance to the face. It aids in adding the right shape the cheek during the volumetric lifting process.

In conclusion, dermatologists conclude that volumetric enhancement using thicker and deeper dermal fillers is rapidly becoming the key lynch pin of an effective facial and dermal revitalization for patients seeking a youthful appearance without having to undergo any major surgery.

Nearly everyone will suffer from those pesky dark spots, also known in the medical world as hyperpigmentation, sometime in their older years. Many people today suffer from dark spots due to multiple health problems such as vitamin D deficiency, cosmetic allergies, drug allergies, hormonal disorders, and sun damage. Hyperpigmentation can also arise from birth marks, freckles, melasma, injuries, burns, acne, rashes, and procedures like waxing and facials. Also, take precaution when tanning, because the temporary skin darkening that results from repeated sun exposure can easily become permanent.

If you realize that you are suffering from hyperpigmentation, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your dark spots are treated early enough, you will be better able to protect your skin. Instead of seeking help from a professional, many resort to their own home remedies of drinking healthy juices or going to beauty clinics, which do not always sufficiently help their situation. Dermatologists are able to best treat hyperpigmentation because they are able to identify the source of your dark spots and suggest ways to prevent them. Hyperpigmentation is usually treated topically. The application includes ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, retinoids, glycolic acid, mild steriods, and other skin lightening agents. Sunscreens with an SPF higher than 20 should also be used to prevent hyperpigmentation. Use a higher SPF if you will be outside for an extended period of time, and if you have sensitive skin, buy cosmetics that have sunblocking agents added into them. If you respond poorly to topical medicines or have allergies, you should consider procedures such as chemical peels, lasers, or microdermabrasions. If you notice irritation of the the skin or experience irritation or burning after applying this topical medicine, consult your doctor immediately.

Hyperpigmentation can become a major concern since it is very difficult to get rid of, but by taking some of these precautions you may be better able to handle your dark spots. Attempt to eat at least two vegetables and fruits every day. Don’t drink more than a couple of cups of coffee or tea each day, and do your best to stay away from both spicy foods and junk food. Drink excess amounts of water each day, and attempt to keep regular eating habits and a healthy diet. By doing all of these things you will be able to prevent excess dark spots, and you will have an overall healthier well being.

Botox training has become extremely popular and widespread amongst dental professionals. No longer accepted just among the Hollywood elite, average people have begun to see Botox’s benefits and use it themselves. When surveyed, nearly two-thirds of dentists don’t see any ethical problems with adding cosmetic Botox to the list of services they provide.

After all, dentists are very experienced in performing injections on a daily basis. Most dentists are also extremely knowledgeable about the anatomy of the entire head and neck area. With appropriate training, it is a small leap for dentists to begin incorporating Botox treatments into their daily practice.

The survey, which included 144 dental professionals, found that 62% not only accept Botox, but dermal fillers as well. Only 31% feel that it would be inappropriate for dentists to offer these cosmetic procedures in their practice. A mere 7% favor limiting the availability of Botox in dentists’ offices to therapeutic procedures.

Survey results not withstanding, there are as many opinions on the use of Botox as there are dentists. One dentist in general practice supports the idea, stating that the Academy of General Dentistry supports education and training for dentists in the administration of Botox. A cosmetic dentist from Kuwait makes the point that Botox is right at home in a dentist’s office, as it can help to correct a gummy smile. A prosthodontist agrees, recommending Botox for the treatment of TMJ.

One dentist in Minnesota advocates dentists as the most appropriate medical professionals to deliver Botox injections. Dentists have extensive training in head and neck anatomy, making them quite capable of performing the procedures. Perhaps even more importantly, dentists have a tendency to be somewhat artistic, as they deal with patient’s appearances every day. When dealing with aesthetic adjustments, this is an extremely desirable quality in a practitioner.

Despite the overwhelming numbers of dentists who approve of the use of Botox in dental practice, a good number of dentists dissent. Among this group, there seems to be a feeling that dentists should stay within their expertise and allow others to do the same. An oral surgeon in Florida feels this way, remarking that dermatologists and plastic surgeons do not attempt to perform complicated dental procedures.

Fortunately, the allowance of Botox treatment in dental offices is a personal choice. Dental professionals can decide on an individual basis whether or not to incorporate it in their own practices.

Botox Training for Dentists at Cosmetic Courses

If you are a dental professional considering a facial aesthetic courses then please contact our friendly and informative team who will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

The cosmetic enhancement industry has seen rapid growth over the past ten years. The sheer number of images that we are exposed to of people receiving treatment to fight the effects of aging is staggering. You see them in movies, television, and magazines. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons predicts that the number of cosmetic procedures undergone each year will have grown by an amazing four hundred percent between 2005 and 2015. A large part of the reason for this is that injections have been replacing more invasive surgical procedures such as face lifts. Injections are both less expensive and offer almost no downtime in comparison to surgical procedures, making them a very attractive option.

Recently, a panel discussion on the future of cosmetic enhancements was held in Toronto, where many of the city’s most respected plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, and dermatologists met to discuss some of the latest changes and the future of the industry. Dr. Sheetal Sapra, director of dermatology at the Institute of Cosmetic and Laser surgery says that back in 1990, nearly all of the cosmetic work that was conducted in Canada was performed by plastic surgeons. This has changed quite drastically. Now only about twenty percent of the work that they do is surgical in nature.

The reason for this change is something called combination therapy. Combination therapy is the use of several different facial injections in combination with one another to receive the desired cosmetic effects. Some of the treatments that may be undergone include Botox, which is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face, causing them to relax and allowing wrinkles and creases in the face to smooth out. Other treatments such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane contain within them synthetic fillers that help to rejuvinate a sculpt the skin. These fillers include hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are natural proteins produced by the body that help keep tissue healthy. They may also include artificial chemicals that help give form to the face. Other treatments include laser treatments which can be used in order to remove brown spots or rosacea from the face. Fractional tightening is another option which can be used in order to smooth wrinkles and creases, improve the texture of the skin, and fight acne scars.

Dr. Stephen Mulholland, one of Canada’s most respected plastic surgeons, claims that about sixty minutes of work and three thousand dollars is enough to take five years off of somebody’s face today.

Medical microdermabrasion is a method used to resurface the skin by peeling away a very fine layer with each treatment received. The procedure is completely non-invasive, simple, and painless and results in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines that come with age. It is just as effective as more expensive laser resurfacing treatments or chemical peels in getting rid of superficial imperfections on the skin. Microdermabrasion also can help heal mild cases of acne, and can lessen pigmentation issues like age spots. These treatments are also successful at reducing oily skin and shrinking pores.

Microdermabrasion is able to smooth skin and improve its tone by using a small device that can be held easily in the hand to apply a special cream to the skin. This cream contains thousands of tiny crystals. While the crystals are peeling away a layer of dead skin, the device also vacuums away the crystals along with the old skin cells. After a treatment, the next layer of skin that is smoother and softer is revealed. With each microdermabrasion treatment, more dead skin cells are removed and new cells are generated faster than they normally would be without the treatment. While new skin cells are growing so is new collagen, which makes the skin thicker and tighter, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Another advantage of microdermabrasion is that it also helps the skin produce elastin. Elastin makes skin more supple. These treatments also increase the flow of blood to the dermis, allowing the skin to repair itself more quickly and efficiently.

Results of microdermabrasion can be seen with the initial treatment, leaving your skin looking refreshed and aglow and you feeling better about yourself. If you feel like treating yourself to a day at the spa, add a microdermabrasion treatment to your schedule and walk out feeling like a new you.

More than one treatment with this system may be necessary in order to treat certain issues like light acne scarring and age spots and to get the big results you want when it comes to those fine lines and wrinkles. With each treatment you will see those problem areas fade and your skin will respond better to anti-aging creams and lotions and to acne medications.

Microdermabrasion treatments are greatly successful and can be used on people with just about any skin type. However, those with serious cases of acne should not use microdermabrasion.

Lip augmentation treatment is a cosmetic procedure that is popular today among the routine cosmetic options that help women look younger. It increases the size of the lips. TheLip Augmentation upper and lower lip may be treated at the same time or one may be treated alone. On the majority of sites where patients can discuss their cosmetic procedures only 50% of the women who have had lip augmentation were happy with the results. It is a simple procedure that can have great benefits, so why do so many people regret having it?

Many plastic surgeons believe that the main cause of bad lip augmentation treatment is because the injector is inexperienced. Without thorough knowledge of the subject they tend to inject too much filler. Since it is easier to add more filler later than it is to remove excess, it is best to start with small amounts of filler and see the results.

There are different types of filler from fat to hyaluronic acid-base material such as Restylane and Juvederm. These are clear gel that is similar to what is found in the body. Fat is also a good filler because it is a permanent solution for most people. First, it needs to be harvested then injected into the lips. 30% to 50% of it grafts to the new location so it usually needs to be done twice to get the best results. Implants are permanent but sometimes are not put in the right place and end up looking lopsided. Any permanent cosmetic procedure needs to look right the first time. Otherwise, it is better to use the fillers that wear off in three to six months.

Recovery time varies. Injections take 1 to 2 recovery days but bruising and swelling may last a week. Implants and grafts take 1 to 2 recovery weeks and may be stiff for 2 to 3 months. Synthetic implants are good because they form scar tissue, so they stay in place and are never absorbed by the body, but there is the possibility of infection and rejection by the body. Fillers made from collagen taken from cadavers or cow skin can cause an allergic reaction even though the collagen is purified.

It is advisable to seriously consider whether or not lip augmentation treatment is a good idea. Even though significant complications are rare, there are risks depending on the chosen filler as well as the possibility of allergic reactions and scarring.

The method of cutaneous and subcutaneous administration of gaseous carbon-dioxide for cosmetic therapy, that is, to improve the texture and quality of skin is called carboxytherapy. The idea preliminarily originated in France in 1930s when it was observed that taking a bath in pools rich in gaseous carbon dioxide helps in rapid healing of wounds. This benefit of carbon dioxide gas is now used in cosmetic therapy. Carboxytherapy is reported to have beneficial results in improving blood circulation, restoring skin’s elasticity, lessening of fat cells and reduction of cellulite.

The injection of carbon dioxide gas through the skin cells helps to dilate the blood vessels, resulting in improved flow of blood and oxygen through the skin. Carboxytherapy, in a way, makes the human heart to pump more oxygen in the blood by injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide. The blood vessels, in order to nullify the presence of carbon dioxide, carries more oxygen following a physiological principle, generally termed as ‘oxygen off-loading’. As a consequence, worn out cells of the skin gets rejuvenated. Thus, this therapy is used to minimise wrinkles and ageing of the skin.

Along with skin rejuvenation, carboxytherapy is used against :

1. Dark under-eye circles : Carboxytherapy improves the capillary network of the lower eyelid, thus increasing the blood circulation

2. Stretch marks : The injection of carbon dioxide gas helps in collagen formation of skin, thus helping in building the collagen matrix and increasing the thickness of the skin.

3. Fat and cellulite reduction : A specific technique of injecting gaseous carbon dioxide into the fat cells is used, such that, the gas becomes toxic to the fat cells making them burst and subsequently eliminate from the body.

These applications of carboxytherapy makes it one of the most popular skin rejuvenation treatment. It is considered a breakthrough in cosmetic therapy. This treatment with carbon dioxide is least invasive. The patients will only bear a bruise at the spot of injection for a few days, and are generally prescribed not to involve in any vigorous exercises for a couple of hours after the treatment.The period of treatment depends on the severity of the problem. Six to twelve treatments, of fifteen to thirty minutes each, spaced one week apart, yield desired results. However, proper caution are advised to be taken and persons with breathing problems or asthma are generally suggested to refrain from carboxytherapy.

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Choosing a broad-spectrum sunscreen – one that protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays – is extremely important, but even when you take this precaution you may still find that both aging and the sun have negatively affected your skin.

After a sunburn, signs of skin damage do not take long to appear. Within only a few weeks, freckles, broken blood vessels, dark spots, and small lines can appear on your skin. There are many options for repairing damaged skin due to being overexposed to the sun, but there is a point of no return once skin damage gets to a certain point.

Pain and skin peeling caused by a sunburn can be cured by many over-the-counter topical applications. Many of these applications will include aloe, zinc, and mineral oil. Some will contain octocrylene, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide; these will provide a wide range of coverage. All of these topical applications work by providing the skin with moisture, helping to keep the area cool and speed up the healing process.

For more extensive skin care treatment you should consult a dermatologist. Dermatologists are able to rejuvinate and heal skin by providing the patient with treatments such as facials, clinical peels, microdermabrasions, and dermal filler abrasions.

Having just five sunburns over a period of time can increase your chances of skin cancer, which is why early detection and prevention is very important, and why using sunscreen is key to your skin’s health.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that you should pay an annual visit to your dermatologist for a skin cancer screening and that you should perform skin examinations on yourself regularly.

The American Academy of Dermatology  gives these tips to keep your skin healthy:

-Apply a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to your skin every two hours.

-Wear protective clothing such as a hat and sunglasses when possible.

-Try to stay in the shade as much as you can between the hours of 10 A.M and 4 P.M when the sun’s rays are strongest.

-Take extra caution when around sand and water, because these things intensify and reflect the sun’s rays.

-Avoid tanning beds at all costs. If you want your skin to look tanned, consider a sunless self-tanning lotion.

Remember to regularly check your skin for any changes on your skin. If caught early enough, skin cancer can be easliy treated.

Cosmetic treatments and surgery seem to be recession proof with people still being very interested in turning back the clock. But, there is a fear that with the lack of regulations being so immense just about anyone can set up shop. A rise in bungled non-surgical cosmetic treatments has been reported recently, and cases are popping up at an alarming rate in courts.

Even with the recession, it is estimated that these procedures have grown in popularity by nearly 25% in the last year. There were about 5,000 facilities in the UK practicing around 200,000 procedures, in total, over the last year.

These non-surgical procedures are carried out with lasers and injections and should be performed by well-qualified medical professionals. However, the truth is, this is not always the case. This equipment can be easily obtained by non-medical personnel and anyone can open a salon and offer these services.

Typically, clinics using high-powered lasers must be registered with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, but these cosmetic treatment facilities are not being regulated. The Independent Health Advisory Service has also failed to regulate the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments, and these treatments are causing most of the problems.

With no regulations being issued, the people practicing these procedures are doing so without proper training. They are practicing with nothing but an interest in making their money back on the very costly equipment they have purchased. This leads to an interest in quantity over quality, and people get hurt.

If these high-powered lasers are used at an inappopriately high setting clients can be severely burned. Clients are being left with burns resulting in permanent scarring. If the victims of these bungled operations are lucky, Clients are being left with burns resulting in permanent scarring, but the deeper burns are there for life. This irreversible damage can lead to severe psychological distress for the client.

If you are considering a cosmetic treatment, do your research. The British Association of Cosmetic Doctors has a list of licensed facilities which offer these treatments. Doctors practice under a code of ethics and are required to give you a realistic assessment of how cosmetic procedures may help you. Furthermore, if anything were to go wrong during a procedure, an investigation could be held through the General Medical Council. If this investigation found the physician to be negligent, he/she could lose their license. Please protect yourself.