Botox training has become extremely popular and widespread amongst dental professionals. No longer accepted just among the Hollywood elite, average people have begun to see Botox’s benefits and use it themselves. When surveyed, nearly two-thirds of dentists don’t see any ethical problems with adding cosmetic Botox to the list of services they provide.

After all, dentists are very experienced in performing injections on a daily basis. Most dentists are also extremely knowledgeable about the anatomy of the entire head and neck area. With appropriate training, it is a small leap for dentists to begin incorporating Botox treatments into their daily practice.

The survey, which included 144 dental professionals, found that 62% not only accept Botox, but dermal fillers as well. Only 31% feel that it would be inappropriate for dentists to offer these cosmetic procedures in their practice. A mere 7% favor limiting the availability of Botox in dentists’ offices to therapeutic procedures.

Survey results not withstanding, there are as many opinions on the use of Botox as there are dentists. One dentist in general practice supports the idea, stating that the Academy of General Dentistry supports education and training for dentists in the administration of Botox. A cosmetic dentist from Kuwait makes the point that Botox is right at home in a dentist’s office, as it can help to correct a gummy smile. A prosthodontist agrees, recommending Botox for the treatment of TMJ.

One dentist in Minnesota advocates dentists as the most appropriate medical professionals to deliver Botox injections. Dentists have extensive training in head and neck anatomy, making them quite capable of performing the procedures. Perhaps even more importantly, dentists have a tendency to be somewhat artistic, as they deal with patient’s appearances every day. When dealing with aesthetic adjustments, this is an extremely desirable quality in a practitioner.

Despite the overwhelming numbers of dentists who approve of the use of Botox in dental practice, a good number of dentists dissent. Among this group, there seems to be a feeling that dentists should stay within their expertise and allow others to do the same. An oral surgeon in Florida feels this way, remarking that dermatologists and plastic surgeons do not attempt to perform complicated dental procedures.

Fortunately, the allowance of Botox treatment in dental offices is a personal choice. Dental professionals can decide on an individual basis whether or not to incorporate it in their own practices.

Botox Training for Dentists at Cosmetic Courses

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