Dr Deepa Shah

Aesthetic Dentist

Deepa Shah Headshot CCDr Deepa Shah Graduated from the University of Bristol in 2012 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) her medical background also includes,  Dental Core Training 1 (DCT1) and a Masters (MSc) in Advanced Restorative Dental Practice from the Eastmans Dental Institute.

Dr Deepa found a love of aesthetics, applying her dentistry background she is able to give holistic treatments, listening to the clients ideals and working together to achieve beautiful results.

Along with being a Dental Foundation Trainer for three years, responsible for teaching and supervising primary dental care to dental graduates, Dr Deepa is also one of our main trainers at our London clinic.

Each delegate who enrolls on to one of her courses expresses how knowledgeable she is and how enjoyable the course was.