We’ve had a lot of interest in our Level 7 Qualification in Botox and Dermal Fillers but a common question that we hear from our delegates considering this route is:

“Is it true that I will need to have a Level 7 qualification by 2018 to practice Botox and dermal fillers in the UK?”

With lots of opinions flying around on this matter it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of who to believe. In this ever-changing landscape of the thriving aesthetics industry, we are here to provide a transparent, first-hand overview on the current training recommendations in the UK.

So if you’re considering a career in aesthetic medicine but unsure of whether the Level 7 is right for you, continue reading…

What is the Level 7 Qualification?

The Level 7  Qualification is a necessary movement towards a more standardised level of training for medical professionals considering a career in aesthetic medicine or those who are wanting to gain more formal recognition of their skills.

Is the Qualification mandatory and will I need it to practice in the UK by 2018?

With so many providers now offering this qualification we can see how easy it is to start thinking that the Level 7 qualification is in fact mandatory. But in short, it isn’t. At present there is no legal requirement for you to hold a Level 7 Qualification in order to practice Botox and dermal fillers or any other non-surgical aesthetic treatments for that matter.

Although the Department of Health strongly support the recommendations that have been provided by Health Education England (HEE) the Government have not accepted the case for statutory and mandatory regulation in the non-surgical aesthetic sector.

In response to this, the only option was to have an independent council that is devoted to the development and implementation of the guidelines. Therefore key stakeholders within the industry have formed and created the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) whose aim is to set the standards of clinical and practice proficiency in order to provide a safer patient outcome.

The JCCP are working towards reaching a point whereby all aesthetic practitioners adopt these standards within their practice.

If I don’t complete the Level 7 Qualification will I still be able to continue my aesthetic practice?

Yes. As the qualification is not mandatory you will still be able to continue your aesthetic practice as normal. However, it is worth considering that most major stakeholders including leading insurance providers, independent training establishments and pharmaceutical companies amongst others, are supporting this movement.

In addition to this, if you would like to be registered with the JCCP as a cosmetic practitioner then you will have to provide evidence that you have completed or are working towards an accredited Level 7 Qualification.

Will I still be able to complete one day training courses?

Yes. Independent training providers and pharmaceutical companies will still be offering one day courses so that you can continue to develop your skills and gain CPD points.

Are all Level 7 Qualifications registered?

If you have decided that the Level 7 Qualification is the right option for you then it is important to be aware that not all training providers are offering registered Level 7 Qualifications. In line with the HEE guidelines, in order for a Level 7 to be a recognised qualification it must be OFQUAL registered. We discuss this further in our latest blog ‘What to look for in a Level 7 training provider?

Level 7 Qualification in Botox and Dermal Fillers at Cosmetic Courses

Our Level 7 Qualification has been developed using a multi-faceted approach to your learning to suit all academic styles with a personal approach. It involves a combination of online learning, clinical observations, practical hands-on, mentoring and assessments to provide you with 277 hours of comprehensive learning.

And if you have already started practicing in aesthetics we provide pathways for you to achieve your Level 7 Qualification through recognition of your prior learning.

Contact our friendly team today to discuss your training options and to clear up any questions you may have about your next steps.

Useful resources:

Please note the above is in the development stages and therefore is subject to change.

As we make our way into Spring, we have decided to do a bit of spring cleaning and introduce a new PRP system to our training clinic.

Out with the old and in with the new they say! 

We have replaced our older and larger centrifuge machine with the new Cellenis Portable PRP machine.

PRP MachineThe compact machine (weighing 5kgs) is easy to move around. With an automatic lid-locking system it makes a great travel buddy for those of you who are mobile aesthetic practitioners.

To purchase a portable centrifuge from us then please contact the team on 01844 390110 or email us directly at [email protected].

Cellenis have also introduced a simple and efficient PRP preparation system with outstanding results.

5 Simple Steps

This new preparation system follows five simple steps down from the previous 6:

  1. Blood is drawn from the patient
  2. Blood drawn tubes are then inserted into the Centrifuge (10 minutes)
  3. Remove % of PPP (platelet-poor plasma)
  4. Gently inverted 10 x to re-suspend the platelets
  5. Withdraw the PRP (platelet-rich plasma)

This ground breaking new system has plenty of perks, one of which being that it now operates a closed system meaning a more sterile and faster process.

prp seperationWhat is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a treatment that rejuvenates the skin resulting in a fresher, brighter appearance.

The treatment uses the bodies own growth factors to promote healthier younger skin. Using the Cellenis system, blood is drawn from the patient then spun in the centrifuge which separates the platelet-poor plasma and platelet-rich plasma.

The clear plasma is re-injected back into the skin which stimulates soft tissue rejuvenation.

Platelet rich plasma therapy is suitable for all skin types and recovery time is little to none providing long lasting results.

Why is it so popular as an aesthetic treatment?

Kim Kardashian PRP

Kim Kardashian after PRP

PRP has been around for many years and begun its life in the 1970’s with its first use in Italy (1987) were it was used for open heart surgery. It’s popularity rose with the discovery of its medical benefits in the mid-1990s. Since then it has been used in a variety of medical fields from cosmetic surgery, dentistry, sports therapy and pain relief.

A favourite with patients because of it’s natural process, using their own blood to produce healthier skin. The treatment has also become a must have to the stars with Kim Kardashian leading the way in this extraordinary treatment.

Platelet Rich Plasma Training at Cosmetic Courses

At Cosmetic Courses we offer PRP training to our delegates in a comprehensive day long course. The day itself covers skin anatomy, the Cellenis products and practical hands-on experience on live models provided by us. On completion of your training you will receive a certificate to start practicing this advanced skin treatment. You are also able to purchase a centrifuge and preparation kits directly from us allowing you to get started as soon as you leave!

This is  a great treatment to add to your portfolio with an array of benefits for yourself, your patients and your clinic.

Available Course Dates for PRP:

6th April 2017 | Buckinghamshire – Book Now

29th June 2017 | Buckinghamshire – Book Now

For more information on Platelet Rich Plasma and the new Cellenis Centrifuge please contact the team on 01844 390110 or email us at [email protected]

Now we have seen our fair share of odd cosmetic procedures. From “Bull Semen Hair Conditioner” to fish pedicures but even we had to hide a gasp at this new trend…

Snail facials

Picture of Snail Facial (Source The Guardian)

In the heart of Chiang Mai sits a salon, this salon only homes one treatment for its clients, snail facials.

Known (only until doing research were we made aware…) for their anti-aging benefits, the snails helix aspera muller glycoconjugates (we call it mucus) contains nutrients and antioxidants.

The Snail Facial Treatment…

The treatment involves placing snails on your skin. They are then left to roam around and are only nudged when they go off course.  The treatment lasts for 40 minutes and beauty-goers are told the results are gradual resulting in firmer and softer skin.

As they become accustomed to their new surface they leave behind a trail of mucus. This is something they do when they are stressed. Mixed into the skin, the mucus is said to heal wounds, scars and leave skin glowing.

Before we go any further, please do not go into your garden and stick a snail on your face expecting to look 10 years younger.

Snail facial farm

Luc Champeyroux, co-owner of the snail spa in Chiang Mai inside his snail farm.

These snails are “special snails”. Kept on an organic farm within the clinic and fed only the finest chemical free fruit and veg. They are then handpicked for their starring  moment.

While the treatment itself has only appeared within the last few years. The multi use of snails have been apparent since ancient Greece. With remedies made up to cure skin infections. The french have also developed numerous creams and lotions from these slimy friends in order to achieve a brighter glow, or shall we say “Escarglow”.

The trends stems further than Thailand with Japan, Russia, China and our very own London opening up their own Snail Spas to name a few.

We look forward to seeing how far this treatment progresses. In the meantime, I think we’ll stick to our scientifically proven Neostrata range of skincare products!

Alternative treatments to get that glow

If you’re looking for that Summer glow, but aren’t brave enough to try the Snail facial then we have some great alternatives here at Cosmetic Courses:

  • Microdermabrasion – a deep exfoliating treatment to clear out pores
  • Facial skin peels – a rejuvenating treatment that removes the top layer of dry skin
  • Platelet rich plasma therapy – an intensive treatment that’s completely natural stimulating collagen production

For more information on these treatments please visit our model page. As a model at Cosmetic Courses you have access to the latest skin treatments and products, with the top 300 aesthetic practitioners in the UK but for a fraction of the high street cost. 

Register as a cosmetic model today or call our friendly team to find out more.

First Brotox. Then Scrotox. Now Protox…? The latest craze sweeping the Aesthetic Industry.

What is ‘Protox’?

Protox is the new term used to dub professionals who are undergoing Botox treatment to keep ahead in the workplace. Professionals who have “hard faced” jobs including; lawyers, politicians, stockbrokers, detectives and therapists. Those who do not want their client, peers or opposition to see expression in their faces use Botox to hide their emotions. This we now call: Protox.

Protox: Professional BotoxBotox is renowned for its muscle relaxing qualities. The injections send Botulinum Toxin Type A to the desired area causing muscles to relax and the area to smooth out reducing wrinkles.

The procedure can leave the face feeling expressionless.

Some professionals are even using it to treat hyperhidrosis. This is excessive sweating which can be seen as a sign of nervousness. Botox injections into the affected area minimises the chances of sweating for up to 9 months.

“A face can say a 1000 words without even speaking.”

The craze is heavy with women as they feel it will help them to appear strong and unemotional. Giving themselves higher leverage in the workplace.

Non-Surgical Aesthetic Industry Trends

The British Association of Plastic Surgeons published that Plastic Surgery has gone down by 40% since 2015, with non-surgical procedures such as Botox sky-rocketing.

The client base of the procedure has dramatically changed throughout the year, with the stereotype customer changing to a wider market. As medical research expands, highlighting the benefits of Botox, along with the procedure losing it’s taboo, Botox is becoming as popular as having your hair cut.

Popularity may have risen, but a lot of it’s goers still do not want to admit to the procedure. With a report taken in 2015 that 1 in 9 London males get Botox with 1 in 5 not admitting to it.

With a male stigma hiding the truth behind smoother faces, some are not so keen to reveal their secret. Some however will happily make us aware of their “work”.

Both of the hardest faces in showbiz are not afraid to talk about their Botox experiences. With both openly admitting to continuing to top up to keep their faces looking younger.

Could this be what makes them such hard judges?

It looks like the demand for Botox is not slowing down any time soon. With the craze continuing to dominate the cosmetic industry from both females and males alike.  Being at the forefront in the rise of non-surgical procedures.

Kept a secret or shouted from the rooftops, Botox is happening.

Botox treatment at Cosmetic Courses

Are you a working professional considering Botox treatment? Register as a cosmetic model today to diminish your wrinkles for a third of the high street price.

Medically qualified? Become an aesthetic practitioner today with our range of Botox training courses designed specifically for doctors, dentists and nurses.

Every cosmetic procedure carries their own myths. Here we address the ones found with lip filler treatments, also known as lip augmentation.

“People will know I have had lip fillers”

It’s easy to search “celebrity lip fillers” and be bombarded with an array of over-injected stars. Enough to want to make you stay away from a needle. The truth behind the pictures is that dermal fillers can look natural (some people just prefer it not to). With ease, a trained medical practitioner can give a subtle hint of volume and shape to your lips, producing the desired outcome.

We advise you to have an understanding of what you want to achieve from the treatment. Listen to your practitioners advice (they do know best after all!).

Most importantly, work with the face you have. There is no point turning up to an appointment thinking you will be coming out as Angelina Jolie. You will come out as you just with better lips!

[twenty20 img1=”18863″ img2=”18864″ width=”400px” offset=”0.5″]

“A foreign substance is being injected into my face”

This is not the case. There are many brands out there used for dermal fillers, all promising to give a fuller look. Look for the brands containing Hyaluronic Acid. A natural substance found in our bodies. The injections containing this simply reintroduce it into our bodies. This stimulates our natural hyaluronic acid to work hard in providing a fuller, plumper look.

At Cosmetic Courses we work with Juvederm. A leader in the dermal filler market. Their fillers contain no unnatural substances, just a big old dose of a synthetic version of our bodies own hyaluronic acid.

“Only people with thin lips get fillers”

The most common use for lip fillers is to plump out thinner lips. Although they can do much more than that. Fillers can contour your mouth, define a cupids bow, hydrate dry lips & add symmetry to your face. The possibilities are endless…

“I’m too young/old for fillers”

Fillers are known for the anti-ageing qualities. The hyaluronic acid triggers collagen in the skin to rejuvenate the chosen areas. As well as this it’s also enhancing the area, adding volume.

Many celebrities of all ages use fillers as part of their beauty regime. From Jennifer Aniston preventing ageing to the infamous Kylie Jenner lips.

“My lips will feel strange afterwards”

Another popular lip filler myth. Apart from the swelling after your treatment (which can last up to a day). Your lips will feel back to normal. Some patients even forget they have had their lips done unless they look in a mirror!

“When the filler wears off will my lips be even smaller than before?”

Filler top ups can be done after the previous treatment has dissolved. You can stop having lip fillers completely without any side effects. Your lips will return to their natural size, they won’t be smaller than when you first started having treatment. The hyaluronic acid introduced by the injection will dissolve slowly over time leaving you with your natural lips.

“Lip fillers are irreversible”

As long as you have hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers, the effects will not be permanent. As discussed above, your body naturally breaks down the filler over time. Along with this, if you are unhappy with your results there is always the possibility to instantly dissolve the filler using a substance called Hyalase. This is almost always unnecessary but gives you the peace of mind that there is an option to reverse the filler if required.

Lip Fillers at Cosmetic Courses

before and after lip filler

Cosmetic Courses is the UK’s leading cosmetic training provider offering high quality lip fillertreatment at a third of the high street cost. As a model you will be in the capable hands of our experienced aesthetic trainers as doctors, dentists and nurses are taught the art of lip augmentation.

If you’re interested in becoming a model for lip filler treatment at Cosmetic Courses then register your interest here and someone will be in touch to discuss the details with you.

Long gone are the days of flowers. It’s time to step it up a notch and treat mum to something special this Mother’s Day.

At Cosmetic Courses we pride ourselves on the friendly community made within our models. Our waiting rooms are filled with laughter and chat. Models bonding while discussing treatments and sharing advice over a cup of hot tea.

There is nothing we love more than to see families come in together and share the experience. Both mothers and daughters make regular trips to our clinics. They calm each others nerves and admire the results made for each.

We always say the best gift of all, is giving someone confidence. 

So this Mother’s Day, treat mum to something she really wants…

In celebration of Mothering Sunday we have our ever-popular gift vouchers available to purchase. Just call the team on 01844 390110, tell us an amount you would like to spend and we’ll send you the gift voucher just in time for Mothering Sunday. Now, who wouldn’t love that as a pressie?!

The gift voucher can then be redeemed against our range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments, including:

  • Chemical Peel & Microdermabrasion– rejuvenating the skin with this intense facial, restoring it back to it’s youthful glow.
  • Dermal Fillers– one of our most popular treatments, perfect for filling out wrinkles and desired areas after a little more plumping.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy– a trend within the celebrities tightest circles, given the nickname “Vampire Facial”. PRP takes a small dose of blood from our bodies. Spins it around in a little machine to separate the different qualities. Re-injected back into the face to encourage stimulation resulting in anti-aging outcomes.
  • Dermaroller– a natural treatment to wake up the collagen within our skin by causing small pin pricks by rolling the Dermaroller across the skin. The effect will be glowing skin with lasting benefits.
  • Leg Thread Vein Removal– The summer is around the corner and it’s time to get those pins ready. Take advantage of this outstanding treatment for a cut of the high street price.
  • PDO Threadlift– our brand new treatment on offer at Cosmetic Courses. Otherwise known as the “Lunchtime Facelift” this quick procedure will have passers by confusing your mum for your sister

Buy one of our Mother’s Day Gift Cards today & top it up with your desired amount to spend against a treatment of her choice.*

Just call 01844 390110 to purchase!

Happy Mother’s Day!





On Friday 31st March at 3:40pm you have another chance to see our Medical Director Mr Adrian Richards speak at the Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition (ACE) 2017!

Mr Richards will be speaking in the Business Track Session in the main Exhibition Hall on the topic of:

Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition“Update on Industry Training Recommendations”

“Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Adrian Richards will lead this engaging session that will discuss the latest recommendations from the JCCP on regulation and training within the Non-Surgical Aesthetic Industry including the Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine. The JCCP was established in early 2016, following the release of Health Education England’s guidance for qualification requirements for the delivery of cosmetic procedures. Mr Richards will explore what the developments mean for both experienced aesthetic practitioners and those who are new to the industry.”

How to register your place at the Aesthetics Conference 2017

This is a great chance to rub shoulders with the industry’s finest practitioners. Navigate your way through an array of stalls, live demonstrations and talks. Online registration is now available on the Aesthetics Conference website.

Secure your place at the Aesthetics Conference and Exhibition 2017.  Gain FREE access to the KOL-led masterclasses, live demonstration expert clinics and business track workshops as well as the exhibition floor.


The Business Design Centre 

52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH

Travelling by public transport

The Business Design Centre is within walking distance of Angel tube station which services the Northern Line and is also only a short distance from King’s Cross and Euston mainline rail stations which also offer multiple tube services.

Further information on the JCCP and industry  updates

If you are unable to attend ACE 2017 but you would like further information on the JCCP and the latest industry updates subscribe to our newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out. Our recent guide to the Level 7 Qualification in Injectables also provides in depth details on the industry movement towards a more standardised framework of learning and how it can benefit  both new and existing aesthetic practitioners.

One of the first areas of our face to suffer from the ageing process is our cheeks. We lose that plumpness, which leaves us feeling and looking older than we should. The perfect treatment to re-introduce this volume and sculpt your cheekbones is hyaluronic acid cheek fillers.

Why do we lose facial volume as we age?

As you age you lose a considerable amount of facial subcutaneous fat which can result in a loss of volume and elasticity. This in turn highlights hollow cheekbones which can cause someone to appear gaunt and tired-looking.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a hyaluronic acid based natural substance. A substance that is found within every person’s body. As we inevitably begin the ageing process the amount of hyaluronic acid found in the skin begins to diminish – causing skin to look tired and lose its youthful glow. Dermal filler injections reintroduce the hyaluronic acid back in to your body. Dermal filler injections can be used in a variety of areas to add volume to the skin. A popular area being the cheeks.

Sometimes the cheeks can look sunken and the face profile doesn’t meet your desired taste. Fillers help you to regain a youthful curve to the cheeks and a strong facial contour. It restores the lost volume and encourages a gentle lifting effect by injecting filler into the desired areas.

Which celebrities have had dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a very popular non-surgical procedure in the showbiz world. The quick fixes are perfect for busy schedules. It provides an uplifting effect whilst being a less invasive treatment than traditional plastic surgery.

celebrity fillers

What to expect from your treatment?

First things first, you will discuss with one of our expert practitioners the desired lCheek Filler Diagramook you want to achieve from cheek augmentation using dermal fillers.

The dermal filler injections will be injected across both sides of the face while focusing on target areas.

The treatment will last about 30-45 minutes. You may experience slight swelling and redness afterwards but this will go down within a couple of days.

Are cheek fillers painful?

As with all treatments it is expected that you will experience some slight discomfort throughout the procedure. A numbing cream will be applied to help reduce any pain. This will also help with pain after the treatment.

Which products do you use for cheek fillers?

We use Juverderm products for our cheek filler treatments. This is a highly recognised brand producing fantastic results.

Are cheek fillers permanent?

Dermal fillers are not permanent lasting approximately 12 months. The areas treated can then be “topped up” after this with further treatments.

How much does it cost?

You would normally pay approximately £400 per syringe of filler for cheek augmentation in a high street clinic but with Cosmetic Courses this is offered at almost 1/3 of the price from £125 per syringe.

Why become a model for cheek filler treatment?

If you think that you may benefit from cheek fillers and are considering becoming a cosmetic model, there are a number of reasons why Cosmetic Courses may be the right choice for you:

  • We are an award-winning training provider established for over 15 years
  • Our dedicated team of specialists are in the top 300 injectors in the UK at present
  • Our prices are highly discounted offering fantastic savings without compromising on quality
  • Flexible appointments available throughout the week and across the country
  • Advise and support after treatment if you have any concerns

Register your interest

Register your interest as a cosmetic model today by filling in our enquiry form or calling our friendly team who will be more than happy to discuss the treatment with you.