Have you ever thought about lip filler? Maybe you want to add more volume, definition or to help fix asymmetry?
Become a Cosmetic Courses Aesthetic Model to receive highly discounted treatment administered by medical professionals across our award-winning UK aesthetic clinics.
Lip Filler Treatment
Lip filler is a treatment where dermal filler is injected into the lip area to add volume and definition. Lots of patients think lip filler is a one size fits all treatment and everyone will come out with large swollen looking lips. This is not the case, not with us. Each patient is treated individually and holistically, meaning we look at the whole face and create lips that compliment your features. Some of the most life changing results can be from the smallest amounts of dermal filler, if placed correctly.
What is dermal filler?
Dermal filler is made up of Hyaluronic Acid, something which we already have in our bodies. As we start to age it begins to break down and our own bodies’ supply starts to go down. Dermal filler injections reintroduce Hyaluronic Acid back into the body to help add volume and definition.
Does the treatment hurt?
Every patient has a different pain threshold, what one can find painless another can find painful. Although we do believe that lip filler treatment does not hurt as much as you may think it does! We use Juvederm for our dermal filler which already contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic, so the only discomfort will be a slight scratch when the needle enters the skin.
Discounted Lip Filler
At Cosmetic Courses we offer Lip Filler treatment as an aesthetic model for a highly discounted rate, a compromise on cost, never on quality. We train thousands of medical professionals a year in the art of lip fillers. To aid their training we ask for patients to come in as models and have the treatment for a highly reduced rate as they will be in a training setting. Our medical students are overseen and led by our expert faculty and each model patient receives the same high level of care as all of our patients.
Lip Filler Near Me
We have clinics across the UK which offers Lip Filler as an aesthetic model, every week for reduced cost.
Our clinic locations:
Lip filler before and afters:
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
Lip Filler Before & After
What to expect at your lip filler appointment
Your medical practitioner will discuss your medical history and expectations from the treatment. Once you are both happy they will continue their facial assessment and plan where the product will be placed for optimum results. The treatment itself will take about 30-45 minutes but this can differ depending on where you are having the dermal filler treatment. Once you have had your treatment you will be slightly red and there will also be some swelling which will subside a couple of days after treatment. True results will be seen approximately 2 weeks post-treatment.
How to book your lip filler appointment:
To book an appointment you will first need to speak to an advisor you can contact the team directly on 01844 390110 / [email protected] or you can fill out our model enquiry form here for us to contact you!

Find out more
The Aesthetics Knowledge Hub is a great place for you to find answers to frequently asked questions. We recommend having a look at the Lip Filler Training Knowledge Hub.